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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday and Not Much Else

This week has two projects that will take a little time in my unbusy life.  One is a commitment to the folks from our church who can no longer be "regulars".  These folks are either too infirm, too ill or too disabled to participate in worship, study or service.  It is sad for these folks as many were "mainstays" in the congregation.

While a card seems like so little we do get feedback how much the folks appreciate the cards.  What makes the cards even more meaningful is the designs are either pictures of groups at church or landscapes of our surrounding area.  The favorite designs, judging by the comments received by the church, are the cards made by our children.

Different Sunday School classes will make artwork or maybe the nursery will have an artwork project for the little ones.  If things get a little crazy, there are a couple of young artists that can be called for a special piece of work.  I like to think of this as cross generational pollination.  That is just one of the many things in life that make it worth the living.

The second project is being green and remaking use of a discarded or unused item.  So three of us Beta Sigma Phi sorority sisters are making pilgrim girls, native American girls and tiny fall bouquets on spoons.  Blue enamel spoons left over from a failed venture a few years ago.  Old construction paper, doilies, raffia, beads, tiny flowers and pumpkins have transformed the spoons.  One energetic lady did 40 of the fall bouquet spoons.  I am doing skirts and hats for the pilgrim girls.  The hat is a challenge.
Have not started the native American girls yet.  Need some braid for the hair.

It is amazing how calm it can be here when the folks in the northeast and Atlantic coast are in such misery.  May all the folks be held in the Creator's protection.  Oh, well, that is about it here at 3871 today.  It is Tuesday and not much else. 

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