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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

+ 43 -15

Really should not be playing on the computer, should be working on the to do's for the trip.  Yesterday did see a few more items marked off the list.  As well as 1.25 miles of walking, laundry and exercises.  It is amazing how quickly one tires doing 15 repeats of standing up from a chair in succession, no push offs with your hands.  I get winded...  Rest a bit and do 15 more in a slow motion manner to build muscle.

In a bit I will be heading to do a couple of errands.  Hubby has been listing some items.  There are replacement tips for our hiking sticks, 2 # weights for my continued strength building and one other thing I have been racking my brain to remember!  I just hate sporadic brain memory.  Oh, well.  As Aunt Sissy always said, "If you miss that little train in the brain when it passes by, don't worry.  It will come back by again."  So I am waiting for the train to come around again and playing on the computer in the meantime.

As I checked facebook this morning to check on where and what my family is doing, a bit of sadness came across my soul.  One nephew and his son are visiting Oregon over spring break.  That area is where my oldest sister and her family lived for about 2 1/2 years in the late 60's, early 70's.  A time when my sisters and I were young and still had most of life ahead of us.  My folks were in their early to mid 50's.  There was still plenty of life ahead of them.  One photo really sent tears to my eyes, Mike swinging his grandson.

Then it hit me.  In about a 13 month period I lost my sweet Aunt Opal, my Mom, dear Uncle Pete and Mike, my oldest nephew.  Add in the hospital and trauma times experienced by Mom, Aunt Opal, and Mike as well as a sister with health issues and I am feeling a little drained.  Maybe it is just the cloudy, rainy day or the fact that I am only 43 days out of major surgery myself that has me being a little maudlin.  The fact is I miss these people.  And so many others.  That feeling of missing is why I avoid looking into the rear view mirror of life.  Too painful.

Just play on the computer a bit longer.  Check on optional excursions to be taken in Amsterdam and other locations along the river cruise.  Holding in my heart the treasures given to me by the Creator during the years of my life.  And wait for the brain train to reach the station to remember the last thing needed on the errand run.


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