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Wednesday, May 25, 2016


The past couple of weeks there have been several doctor visits as I get the yearly checkups.  This year the doc is requiring a mammogram, bone density & stress test.  A benign growth next to my eye is too big to freeze off so a little outpatient surgery is in the offing next month.  As the gp and I went over all the results yesterday, it was determined I am disgustingly healthy...

As I was doing my morning ritual of meditation and prayers one of the prayer focuses grabbed my thoughts.  "Ghana:  Alleviating Poverty through the Harvesting of Honey in the Obotwerie and Yaw Denso Communities" was the prayer focus in the UMW prayer calendar for today.  I had never thought of how harvesting honey could help a person out of poverty.  How often do we humans lose sight of the simplest of foods can change another's life.

Now remembering all the bee hives in some of the fields of farmers when I was growing up in north Texas.  The hives were there and I never thought of them as money makers.  Possibly the difference in that farmer's life.  Or the children of the farmer.  And now for people in Ghana.....

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