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Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Days and Technology
The ground has a couple or three inches of snow covering the dead grass.  The evergreen bushes have an icing of snow, too.  Nice, wet, snowball making snow.  I have not ventured out into the winter wonder land to even make pictures. Gene was up early and standing in the falling snow greeting children coming to school at York elementary.

Mom called and gave me the pleasure of getting the Ella report while Gene was gone.  Ella is our newest great niece.  She has wonderful blue eyes as so many in our family.  Our 3 grandsons all sport blue eyes as well as their dad.  Ella will be the one to inherent my childhood doll bed as her mom is our God Daughter.  Our grandsons do not show any interest in doll beds, doll cloths or my Revlon doll.  Well, they might try to poke the doll's eyes out as so many little boys tried to in the past.

Our gifts and fire
A friend dropped off roses just to wish us a Happy Valentine.  Reba Jane, my chil hood friend and cousin, surprised me with a card in the mail.  Always good to hear from dear friends.  Reba did not have a good report about her brother's health.  It saddens me for her as she lost both parents too soon.

The day has been spent working on a program for a meeting on Thursday.  Mostly copy, cutting and pasting then printing.  And sitting by a fire.  This is the first fire for this fall and winter season.  The weather has not been cold enough, long enough to deal with the stacking and carrying.  Plus, the whole getting things put in place from the Edna move changed our life somewhat.  Anyway, it has been pleasant to have that extra, cozy warmth of a wood fire.

I did step out just now and took
this standing on the front porch.
The program for Thursday is titled "A Time of Change".  The subject matter is about the use of technology as a way to connect to one another.  To give our hearts to one another through acts of kindness and communicate God's love in new ways using technology. 

One or the other great parts of the day was looking at facebook and seeing kids in snow!  From two great-great nephews in Oklahoma, to Chris & Barbie's two boys & dogs in Kansas City, to all the kids of our young friends here in Springfield.  All shared the same smiles, the bundled bodies, head to toe and fingers too.  All just enjoying a simple act of nature and school officals, the snow day.

Thanks to all the moms, dads, friends and relatives that on this snow day used all sorts of technology to brighten my day.

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