While working for Texas Instruments I was one of many young women asked to join the volleyball team for the day shift of the Integrated Circuits department. Carol, my roommate, was tall and worked in the same department so we decided what the heck. I was neither athletic nor tall. But it was fun playing with those other young women at the Texins Activity Center. It was indoor volleyball, not sand volleyball.
Earlier this year the young women at church started a mixed softball team. I would really have loved to just hit a few balls but I am a coward. I was afraid I would twist my knee and cause some sort of damage. Gene on the other hand is being much more of a risk taker with his knee. He is out walking in the very un-level yard. The moles have had a heyday in the areas where I have been watering. As I watched Gene all I could think was one misstep and what could happen to the new knee.

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