We enjoy good coffee. Gene has made it his business to make the best coffee each day. With him still on the mend I am having to step in to fill a really big pair of shoes. He has been working with me over the last few months training me in coffee making. Please, join me as I make coffee The Gene Way.
You will need a burr grinder, filters, a brewing device preferably without a hot plate for the carafe. Our son gave us this stuff several years ago for Christmas. There is a press pot and an espresso stove top unit Gene uses for smaller quantities. |
Select quality coffee beans. Do not use beans with an oily look as they have been over roasted. Gene's favorite is Kulmans but Ed has left the business. We use Boca Java at this point. |
Measure by weight 5 grams of beans for every 8 oz. of water. Gene is very specific about this. And we must use distilled water. No stray chemicals to influence the taste.
Now it is time to grind the beans. Experience has proven it is good to remove the cover before pouring the beans into the hopper. Failure to do so results in beans pouring on the counter top instead of in the hopper. This causes extra steps in the process to get the beans gather up and back into the hopper.
Vibration during the grinding process will at times cause the little bin that catches the ground beans to move forward causing grounds to go all over the cabinet. This causes extra steps in the already too stinking long process...... Shove something heavy in front of the thing.
Place a liner in the basket of the brewpot. Add the grounds. Pour the distilled water in the well of the brewpot. Place the basket of ground coffee in the brew location. Begin the brew process until the grounds are covered with hot water. Turn off the brew process. Please, take note of caution at bottom of blog. |
Looks like this while "steeping in the flavor" |
Set a time for 4 minutes. This allows the grounds to begin releasing all that good flavor. Once the 4 minutes have passed, place the carafe in the holder and restart the brewer. |
Brew cycle is complete and now you can sit and enjoy the perfect cup of coffee along with a little Valium tablet or a large hunk of chocolate. |
!!!!!! CAUTION !!!!!!
Please, note during the first brew/steeping phase of the process do not allow your attention to be distracted from watching the amount of water going into the grounds basket. For instance, do not begin changing the foil lining of you little toaster or answering the phone. Just wet your pants if the need arises......
Failure to pay close attention to the amount of water in the basket will result in the need for "early release" of coffee onto your cabinet. You will grab the carafe and slam it in place too soon losing the effect of steeping. This will add extra time to the brewing process and possibly negative language. Negative language can influence the final taste. |
In addition, you may need to change your shirt after cleaning up from the mess made by your lack of attention. The soiling of you clothing adds time to this %*#& process and detracts from the perfect cup of coffee. |
My spouse has a similar system for making coffee... Since I lack the ability to learn it (a disability I learned at a young age) she has little choice but remain healthy.