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Sunday, October 4, 2015

burning down Mt Wakakusa

Carpe Diem #832 Wakakusa Yamayaki (Burning down Mount Wakakusa)

Well, the folks (monks) doing the burning of Mount Wakakusa did not actually burn down the mountain.  More like the grass at the base of the mountain.  Living in an area of drought makes burning of any sort illegal.  In the drought stricken western states of the US, hundreds of homes have been lost to wildfires.  The image of a burning mountain or a grass fire brings fear to all involved.  One of the bloggers I follow lost a son as he was flying a water 'bomber' in Canada fighting fires this summer.

As a child growing up a farming community fire was a part of wheat harvest rituals.  Once harvested of the ripened wheat, farmers would burn the stubble.  The farmer would choose a still day to set the fire.  Less chance of sparks flying to a nearby crop.  The smoke would rise high before curling slightly as it reached an air current high above the field.

a tea bag steeped in heat 
crackling fires

©  Janice 'petra domina' Adcock

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 


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