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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Taking a Break

Not to worry.   I am alive and doing fine.  Just working to get the new computer up and running which just meant finding the on switch.  Now all the days of retrieving all the pictures from 'out there'.  The uploads I made did not get all my files.  I should have been more meticulous in checking. A.L.L of the edited European trip files are lost.  gone.  computer dust.  I do have them SOC on the memory cards.  10,000 photos.  I have not checked on memory stick to see if hopefully the scans I did last August are on them.  If not they are gone.

So pardon me for a while as I am putting things back together.  And figuring out how to use the dual drives on the new computer.  Just needing to get this in order before I can feel like writing again.  Live and learn to check one more time that stuff backed up properly.....

Of course there have been other things going on, too.  Stuff like out of state visitor for 10 days.  We stayed busy.  Once computer is going I will share photos on one of the blogs.  The other thing is spring sports.  Lacrosse, soccer for 3 players, and track make for lots of short trips.   Also, doing backup duty for transporting grandkids.  Stays sort of busy.

Well, now I shall get back to restoring data and organizing the new computer.  Thanks for stopping by for a visit.  I'll have a cup of tea waiting for the next time!


If someone is monitoring me with my camera this is what they see:

I think the lens is in a weird location.

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