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Monday, May 22, 2017

Late Sunday Night

It is almost Monday morning, May 22, here in the USA.  Yesterday morning our bonus granddaughter showed up unexpectedly.  She and a friend brought us still warm Round Rock donuts.  This was her way of thanking us for helping out with her transportation of late.  She is still having headaches from the concussion she received from a header in soccer.  I know I was left tired, headachy and dizzy at times for a while after my mild concussion.  She is having to go to school and try to concentrate while still not fully recovered.

Probably the best part of her visit was she sat down along with the friend and just visited with us.  We talked about their classes and upcoming finals.  Then found the hubcaps for her car.  She just passed her driving test and received her license a week before her concussion.  Then she could not drive till just this week.  The point was she was relaxed and comfortable.  As the friend is, also, our oldest grandson's best friend, we have known him for, well, since he was a year old.  He was as comfortable as our granddaughter just visiting with two old folks.

no contrast Hubby
More of this past week was spent gathering some of the items we are needing for the trip.  A slight hitch has come up with our passport renewal.  My new passport has arrived but Hubby's has required a new picture to be submitted.  The one we sent had no contrast.  He is a white man with a white beard standing in front of the required neutral background.  Hard to get a contrast.  Oh, well.  $9 later a second photo made by AAA, another certified letter and his passport is once again in process.  This is cutting it very close.

We now both have folding walking sticks for the trip. Much easier to pack.  Possibly easier to lose, too.  A couple of new garments that will work in the warm July weather in southern France.  I even purchased a dress.   Yes, a dress.  I know!  Pretty unbelievable, isn't it.  A black jump suit for evening wear that feels really good!  And Hubby liked how it looked, too.  Even after 50 years, I still like it when he says sweet things.

Tomorrow I hope to get started on the stack of scanning project.  I would like to get the boxes out of my bedroom!  Once that is done, I will move onto doing some sewing.  I would like a few more beach comber length pants for the trip.  And I have not finished my blouse from the material bought in Germany.  Looks like the next few weeks will be busy.  Throw in a week of grandkid wrangling and a few days with my sisters and it will be July 1 before you know it.  Guess I'd best get off this computer and head for bed.

Thanks for stopping in and visiting.


My bags and circles had just
the right contrast with no smile

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