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Friday, August 18, 2023

BFFs Visit

 Two years ago my childhood BFF died.  Cancer took her in less than two months.  Since we usually only spoke on birthdays and on election nights I did not know of her dire situation until she had passed.  Even though we we seldom in contact, we just knew the other one was there.  Reba even said once that there were no friends like old friends.  You knew them deeply enough to just pick up like no time had passed.  It may have helped that we shared some common DNA.  Her grandmother and my grandfather were siblings.

During a visit several years ago, she talked about a time she served on a jury.  She told how she struggled with having that much power over another person's life.  If voted guilty, the person would lose ten years of their life.  She shared that the night before the jury was to make a decision she cried and prayed for hours on end.  That is just how serious she took being the hands and feet of Jesus.

A few nights ago I had a 'visit' from Reba.  It seemed I dreamed about her all night long.  Nothing exciting, just catching up and remembering.  Well, at least that is the best I remember about the dream.  I left me with feelings of yearning.  Yearning to be young?  No really.  Just yearning to have her still alive.  To have that person, the only person that knew me.  The good and the bad.  The fun and the sadness.  As I said shortly after her death, she took a part of my childhood with her.  I miss Reba.

steeped in faith
a light in the darkness
Reba Jane

One of our last times together celebrating my 50th wedding anniversary. 

The lady with the hat is Reba, my bridesmaid.

Y'all stay cool,



  1. Hari OM
    ...I'm not sure I have anyone who knows me that well... but I do have very dear friends whom I would certainly miss. I think it is lovely you had such a dream. Be not sad for it - Reba was letting you know she is with you still. YAM xx

    1. Yam, that is what I thought, also. Always in my heart. My older sister commented the last time we were together that Reba and I were together 'all the time'. namaste, janice xx


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