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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Got more than I need today!

Another day in the life of T(wo) O(ld) F(arts).  Gene performed perfectly today.  We are both still in shock.

And it was not just because he was gone on and off today, though that may have helped.  He met Rick for breakfast.  Returned home with a raisin biscuit for me.  With food in my mouth it is difficult to ask what he was thinking.  In the afternoon he carried off the recycling and visited "the storage unit".  He brought back the filing cabinet for Edna's papers that he sorted yesterday.  The cabinet needed some repair/modification to the drawers to hold the file folders upright.  So a couple pieces of trim, super glue and Gene's favorite glue gun seems to have taken care of the situation.  Pictures of Gene's newly acquired ability of the day.  Please, note the background disarray.  I found it wise to have nothing to add to the project.

No naps so far today but I have still spent lots of time in The Recliner.  I am able to accomplish quite a lot from this location thanks to lots of wifi and bluetooth toys as well as an awesome Dell Studio XPS.  Pictures of three wonderful grandsons and their dad are now printed and installed in the new frame received at Christmas.  Also, added pictures to the digital frame.  Gene had nothing to say about any of this.

Here are a few of the "treasures" brought from the apartment.

I just heard the captain of the cruise ship said he fell into the lifeboat.  Excuse me, that is like accidentally getting pregnant.  Really, you slipped and fell on the erection/only life boat within sight?  Maybe I have a little too much today.  But so far as Gene and his work today, I got nothing.

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