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Wednesday, October 22, 2014



longing for someone
I sit by the gate and draw
eyebrows on a melon  .......... © Shiba Sonome

In 1993 we moved into a newly built home.  The back yard was dirt and four scrawny saplings.  Last fall we moved leaving behind a wonderful garden.  It was designed to attract birds and butterflies.  It did both very well.  We dug a small pond by hand, 30 inches deep by 16 feet long and 8 feet wide.  We fashioned a 25 foot stream leading from the filtration system back to the pond.  Goldfish lived in the pond year round.

Evenings would include my walking to the pond to feed the fishes.  Upon stepping onto the deck I would be greeted by a rush of fish.  I miss many friends and the sparse family remaining in the area.  In our new home I have birds and butterflies that visit our patio.  But there is no soothing pond with a splashing brook waiting at the end of the day.  No fishes to sit and enjoy.

swimming to the shadow
feeding time no more

©  Janice Adcock

Jim Kacian is highlighted by our host in this post.  Mr. Kacian guides us in how a superior haiku has the poet disappearing so to speak.  Click here to read the full article.  In the above haiku I have attempted to 'be' the fishes.  And in response to the longing prompt I have looked back to the pond we built in our back yard.  I do miss my fishes.

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 


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