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Sunday, August 14, 2016

What Am I?

As I bounced from blog to blog this afternoon and evening my mind traveled the world.  Japan looking at a sunflower field through the lens of a retired lady.  Scotland brings views from the USA?  Yes, that blogger has been visiting the US and Canada this summer.  The beauty of the works of Ese takes me to the seacoast of Bulgaria.  Hamish in Lappland can be counted on to take me by his words to forests where ever he travels.

Margaret in Ireland teaches me about birds, castles and so many other things in her daily posts.  Today she shared cats!  A hop and a skip took me to The Netherlands and our haiku host, Kristjaan.  This talented poet teaches the advanced and novice poets the art of writing haiku.  Today he used Kala Ramesh, a poet from India, for the inspirational quote.  In Norway I check on how Mara is progressing in her workouts in preparation for a triathlon.

Later I visited the Furry Gnome on the Georgian Bay in Ontario.  Then it was a stopover in New York to visit Alexa who may have photos from Paris, France or New York or possibly Virginia.  Jim in Australia may show works of art in Sydney or water fowl from the coast.  Brian King in Kentucky has everything from wildlife to landscapes.  Next up was the photos of a Portugal beach.  Gillian in St James, Trinidad & Tobago, has beautiful poetry and photography.

Visiting Morgan down in New Orleans makes me reflect on justice, racism and other weighty things.  I must check facebook to see how family and friends spread across the us and Europe are doing.  There is Gemma, Gunilla, TexWisGirl and many others that are visited.  Is the text in another language?  No problem, just select translate.  Leave a quick note and move to the next country.  Today a Russian photographer began following one of my photo blogs.  Last year I met face to face with a blogger friend in Montreal.  I would like to do more of that.

Love connecting to the other inhabitants of this beautiful, blue orb.  Seeing the good works of others around the globe makes the news more . . human.  That brings me to the question at the top of this post, what am I?

  • woman/senior citizen
  • wife
  • mother
  • grandmother
  • sister
  • friend
  • cousin
  • Texan, yes but I do not have boots or a cowboy hat, and I am a liberal
  • United States citizen, guess some would call me a Yank
  • Anti wall builder, prefer to tear down walls, you know like President Reagan
  • Internationalist?  Is that even a word?  Yes, it is.  It is, also, and organization for international marketing which sounds really capitalist in concept.  Then I read references that it is socialistic and liberal....  Nope, I do not like the political aspects of this word.
  • Earthling, say what?  Like ET is calling for me....  
Earthling according to Wikipedia has a long history before the science fiction use. 
"Historically the term "earthling" referred to a mortal inhabitant of the Earth as opposed to spiritual or divine entities. In Early Modern English, the word was used with the intention of contrasting "earth" with "heaven", and so presenting man as an inhabitant of the sublunary sphere, as opposed to heavenly creatures or deities.[1] The derivation from the noun earth by means of the suffix -ling is already seen in Old English eyrþling, in the meaning "ploughman". The sense of "inhabitant of earth" is first attested in 1593.  Its use in science fiction dates to 1949, in Red Planet by Robert A. Heinlein.[2]"

Earthling, I can live with that.  Yes, just a plain old inhabitant of planet earth.  Breathing the same air as Chinese, Russians and my next door neighbor.  Sharing the same orb and rain clouds.  Even dusting Sahara Desert dust off my furniture.  And reading haiku from a gentleman in Africa.  Earthlings, all.
  1. Jump up^ Thomas NasheChrist's Tears (1593, 1613), p. 124: "Wee (of all earthlings) are Gods vtmost subiects.";
    Drummond of Hawthornden, Poems (1711), p. 31 (written ca. 1630): "Nature gaz'd on with such a curious eye, That earthlings oft her deem'd a deity."
    Cited after Oxford English Dictionary.
  2. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas."earthling". Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 5 October 2011.


  1. Jump up^ Thomas NasheChrist's Tears (1593, 1613), p. 124: "Wee (of all earthlings) are Gods vtmost subiects.";
    Drummond of Hawthornden, Poems (1711), p. 31 (written ca. 1630): "Nature gaz'd on with such a curious eye, That earthlings oft her deem'd a deity."
    Cited after Oxford English Dictionary.
  2. Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "earthling"Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 5 October 2011.
Jump up^ Harper, Douglas. "earthling"Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved 5 October 2011.

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