Right now, on this day, people are just too screwed up for anything to work. Why would anyone say it is ok for a 17 year old who is not old enough to vote to go to another state with a rifle to protect property. It is not his job. His job is to be in school as a student and graduate. If the police in a city cannot get things in control on their own then the police should reach out to the county or/and governor for assistance. No sent out a call for anyone with a gun. A well regulated militia is not 17 year old kids with a bunch of other untrained individuals. That right to own a gun is not covered by the second amendment.
As for the protesters. Get a permit. Do the protests in the time limits then go home. Anything else is just assisting the Idiot far right re elect notably the absolute worst president in my life time. Trump is nothing but a con artist with rich friends. Trump proved to be too fu#&ing crooked for any US bank to even deal with him after a certain point. That a known fact in the banking circles of New York City. My family friend, Ruth Pittman, worked in the financial circles of New York City for decades. That is the source of the information.
Rules and regulations within a nation are not some sort of Deep State conspiracy. I can just hear people saying, "but it goes too far, Janice." Hmmm let me think. Of course people will all be honest and do what is best for the protection of the environment, NOT. People will save money by dumping chemicals because $$$ is god in this nation. Yes, I am on a rant and it is my blog on which to rant. Circuit board builders polluted the ground so badly in the Springfield, MO, area that the cave systems are becoming polluted 40+ years later.
The President chose not to use the power he had to force companies to make the PPE items needed. He just knew the manufactured would do it voluntarily. Nope. Maybe one or two but insufficient to actually have an impact. While many people are good at the center we all become distracted with the temptations of life. Money, success, our own egos needing to be right all the time. Before we realize it we have left behind the basic goodness within ourselves.
With the goodness removed we start not caring about anyone beyond like minded people. We start humans start losing that which sets apart from a hungry bull or rogue tiger. We start thinking that stuff is more important than people. We forget the ten rules set out for humans:
In no way do the looters get off any better than the murderers. As for racism and you who read this that say you are not racist I ask one question. How do you feel when you encounter a group of black or Hispanic boys or men? How does that compare to how you feet when you encounter a group of white boys or men? I have to admit there is a difference for me. I work at being antiracist but it is a hard habit to break. But break, I must. And so must law enforcement.
Things are just messed up and I am worn down by people thinking guns are gonna solve the problem. That 17 year old is a murdered. Protesters tried to stop him after he shot the first person. The protesters giving chase were no different that the man that gave chase to the church shooter in Texas. The only difference was the protesters had skate boards and their hands. The 17 year old murderer was armed to kill to protect property, stuff. No stuff is worth killing to keep.