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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

 Hair.  Moisture.  Bush head.  As in Roseanne Roseannadanna.  

My hair has changed over the years.  First my hair was sort of blonde, then red.  Later more brown than red.  Now mostly grey.  As a child Mom would perm my hair so it would curl. That probably was not necessary as my hair had 'body'.  If I rolled it it would curl.  If I did not it would be mostly straight.  Now this head of hair is a nuisance any time there is moisture in the air.  Like today.  

Washed my hair with frizz control shampoo.  Soaked it in frizz control conditioner.  Went to Stretch Lab for the assisted stretching.  Pick up groceries from two locations.  Go through the car wash.  Unload groceries. Hair was dry by then.  Frizzy little short hairs sticking up in all directions.  Ugh.  Rewet the hair.  Did the old time rollers and let it dry.  Curlers out and all was good.  Hair laying nice and smooth.

Then I cooked oven fried chicken.  After about 25 minutes of cooking I opened the oven door to check the temperature of the chicken.  Sudden shot of steam as I opened the oven door.  Instant bush hair again.  Oh, well.  The chicken was really tasty.  

Y'all all stay safe out there!



  1. Hari Om
    Oh that's funny ... I've been lamenting the condition of my hair of late and even considering shaving it all off to start again! In the end, who's to worry? You are still you and that's all that matters!!! YAM xx

  2. You made me smile today. I hope the hair behaves a bit more though. Perhaps a good talking to will help?


    1. Oh, I talk. A few of the words might even singe a hair or two! klem

  3. Oh no!!! I can relate about the hair thing! You did make me smile.


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