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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Daily Writing for Practice

With a life spent mostly in a recliner in an 880 square foot apartment, there seems little to write about.  I can look around and see various objects on display.  Objects that represent so many different phases of my life.  Phases that are even from long before I was born.  A double-barrel shotgun that was my Great Grandpa Jones gun to provide food and protection for his family.  Son noted this is one of about four items he never wants out of his family.

Four items to never leave Son's family.  Grandpa Jones double-barrel shotgun, Granny Mary's iron skillet, Grandma Adcock's salt and pepper shaker set.  There is one other item that escapes my memory.  The iron skillet was about the only item of my parents that survived a house fire.  The fire burned the house to the ground.  The salt and pepper shakers set on Grandma Adcock's cookstove.  They are classic 1940's glassware.   As for the shotgun, it was passed to me by my father before our son was born.  It has hung on the wall of every home Son remembers.  

It is truly interesting the items Son wants to retain.  He ate many a meal cooked in the old skillet.  Since we lived near Hubby's parents for most of Son's growing-up years, the shaker set was seen frequently.  Always in the hands of the grandmother Son called the quiet one in his tribute to her.  He called my mom the outspoken one.  That is pretty much how the two ladies were, too.  Grandma A. was very reserved.  My mom was a spit-fire female before spit-fire was in fashion.  

The three disjointed paragraphs were written on separate days.  I probably need to rework them.  But I am not at this time.  Just publish.



  1. Hari OM
    My grandmother had a Victorian 'griddle iron' - the sort that used to hang over open fires, but could be used on gas hobs too - and cooked many a tasty drop scone on it. I always wished I could have it but have one female cousin older than myself and she it was who go that... I had one uncle who was a ghille (estate land manager) and therefore licenced for shotguns. He didn't own them. Thank the Lord for that.

    Now - tomorrow, tell us what you can about the shaker set, then on the next, about the skillet... and so on! YAM xx

    1. That is a good recommendation. All I have to do now is get the old brain cells to cooperate. Ha! namaste, janice xx


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