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Friday, January 26, 2024

What's Your Final Song

These past two weeks have brought sad news to our family yet again.  After having a spinal bone marrow test, fears were confirmed for my older sister's husband.  They married in January 1957.  Sis swears she fell for him the first time she met him on the grade school playground in Chambersville, TX.  That was around 1947.  You cannot tell by that photo but those locks were auburn red, eyes of blue, and freckles everywhere.

If the news about her husband having mayby 3 years to live was not bad enough her CT scan report came.  She has severe spinal stenosis that will require another back surgery.  Sis can hardly manage to get into their vehicle due to nerve compression leading to right leg.  How will these two manage as BIL is legally blind due to macular degeneration.

Their daughter lives on the 6 acres near them.  She works full time, her husband is battling prostate cancer, and she is helping raise a granddaughter and grandson who live with her.  What a load for her.  Sister's two sons are not always able to help.  One lives almost 3 hours away.  The oldest lives close enough to help as his work allows.  

Our, Sis #4 and me, Sis #3, and Niece #2 are concerned about daily meals.   Older sister, Sis #2, has alway loved to cook.  Now between helping her blind husband and her own pain, her strength is at an all time low.  So is her will power.  The last few sister times have had her letting down and crying with us two younger (relative to 83) sisters.  So far none of the usual food providers service the more rural area where she lives.  Sis #4 is working on the situation.  Sis #2 is focusing on getting the chemo started for BIL.  She wants him to check with OU medical center to see if he is a candidate for a bone marrow transplant.  Sis#4 hopes that will cure her husband.  Google does not reflect that hope.

With all these issues going on I was continuing to hang a few more items.  One item was a stenciled sign, "Amazing Grace".  Hubby said he did not want that sung at his funeral.  I told him I wanted "In The Garden" as that was where I spent much time working and conversing with the Creator.  He was not sure what song he would want.  I immediately thought of "Turn Your Radio On".  He sets with amateur radios at hand or directly in front of him all his waking hours.  I played it for him today and he agreed. 

Working together the issues with Sis #2 and her needs will be weathered.  If I know my family we will somehow find the humor in places where we can.  Like Mom ending every sentence with .com back in January 2015.  Till then, y'all stay safe.




  1. Hari Om
    well, as we say in OZ..... (and excuse this).... bugger! Life just doesn't help us gracefully age, does it? Every which way it finds tricks and twists. I do know there will be no lack of Love and support from each other and that counts for a great deal. .... last songs? Something Leonard Cohen, I think... YAM xx

    1. Bugger is perfect for the situation. namaste, janice xx


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