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Sunday, January 28, 2024

Not Quite Quiet

 Son called this A.M. and asked us to join them for the football game and dinner.  Of course we said yes.  Until Son's call came we had pretty much just had breakfast and watched some shows on PBS.  Around 1:45 we headed out to the Jeep for the short ride to Son's.  I usually make sure I use the handicap walkway to avoid steps.  The smoothest area is straight ahead of the sidewalk.  Hubby chose to take a diagonal route.

I rounded the back of the neighbor's SUV and had to just run as I watched Hubby tumble to the ground.  From nowhere a young, strong man walked over to help Hubby up from the ground/concrete parking area.  Hubby was thankful for the young man's help.  After retrieving the needed bandages for the large scraped areas on his left wrist we evaluated the full damage.

No head bump.  His right thumb nail was jammed and bleeding.  There were three jagged, 3 corner tears to his left wrist but the wrist was working fine otherwise.  Wipes with alcohol made Hubby cringe.  Two large bandages to his wrist (I forgot the third tear) and one on his thumb had him pretty well fixed.  I figure he will be pretty sore on Monday.

We continued the move toward Son's and Hubby was doing fine.  Son had ice packs ready and waiting to help with any swelling.  One of the teams we like won.  Dinner was eaten.  DJ the dog was loved on as long as she wanted.  The second came had our least favorite team win.  We gathered our stuff and made the drive home.  Now we are just resting in our recliners.  

Life holds surprises.  May they be good ones or at least not cause serious damage.




  1. Hari OM
    ... OUCH!!!! Hope hubby is not feeling too bruised this morning. Glad you got your outing still. Family time is a big healer. YAM xx

    1. His wrist and hand are bruised. His body feels like he hit a concrete wall. He had a checkup at the doctor already scheduled. Nurse's advise, "Don't fall". LOL. We have used the same doctor and nurse for 10 years. We love them! Hubby's A1C is still getting lower so Doc was happy. namaste, janice xx


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