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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Slip Slidin' Away

Paul Simon performed the classic "Slip Slidin' Away" on The Late Show on May 13.  Tonight I listened to the recording of the 82 year old singing the song.  While looking up the lyrics I came across his original release of the song in 1977-78 time frame.  Listening to the voice of the 82 and 30 Simon was as expected.  Simon can certainly still sing better than most humans.  There was beauty in both versions.  With the meaning within the lyrics of the song I might appreciate the 82 year old voice the best.

While texting with a friend this morning I noted I was feeling uglier than usual.  The reason?  In order to attempt to stay limber I place/throw my legs one at a time on the bathroom counter top.  Then I apply the body cream required to avoid alligator skin.  Today I noticed the reflection of my legs in the mirror.  The angle allowed me to see the awful amount of spider veins on the sides and back of my right leg.  Even around my ankle.  Ugly.  

The spider veins are not all new.  Some I have had since my early teen years.  The past couple of decades have been brutal with the increase of the veins.  It seems the slightest bump results in a new cluster.  Years ago our oldest grandson was sitting in my lap.  I was wearing shorts.  He was examining my legs.  In his innocence he asked, "Grandma, why are your legs cracked?"  I just laughed and gave him some silly answer.  He will be 23 this year.

Yes, life is definitely slip slidin' away.  Spider veins, varicose veins, and my long gone middle age.  The years are sliding away with increasing speed.  But, there is still life to be lived.  Grandkids to enjoy.  And love to be had.

Take care out there,



  1. Hari OM
    Not just that, the slippin' and slidin' speeds up! I mean really, blink and it's next month already... Yeah, important to sit in each moment and draw all we can from it. YAM xx

    1. Yes, time is like a whirlwind. It has been 10 + years since we left Missouri. We came to be part of the grandkids lives as they grew up. The youngest just turned 18. Now to set a new mission for our lives other than doctor appointments. lol

  2. Yes, indeed, we do appreciate the joys of our grands.thank you for reminding me of this. I remember also an interview with Paul Simon on how he takes care of his voice...when he travels he brings 3 electric kettles to create steam to moistion his vocal cords. I bought a steamer just for that after to keep my voice working for my work. Now I`m going to put on my Paul Simon album :)

    1. Simon is a really interesting person. I saw an interview where he said he never really wrote any of the songs. They would just come to him and he wrote them down. He considered it to be gifts from God or something like that. Enjoy that album!


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