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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Another Busy Day

While it is the time of year to expect to be busy, it just seems this year is being a little extra busy.  Maybe it is because I am attempting to get things done before some minor surgery next week.  Yes, I scheduled a simple procedure one week before Christmas.  With the prospect of a trip to Disney World sometime next spring, I am just wanting my stuff in working order.

Besides, I am 66 years old and several of my parts are due for some tuning up this year.  New knee is doing outstanding.  Hoping this little procedure will take care of a nuisance problem.  Then if I can just get the correct combination of shoes and arch supports to get the left hoofer to being a little happier things will be set for a while.

But today was busy getting cookies for an exchange made.  Christmas cards for the group designed, printed and addressed.  Cookies and secret sis gift wrapped and myself dressed.  It was just really busy trying to get all this done.  How did I ever work full time, share care for our son and generally be a a productive member of society?  Now it is all I can do to just get the basic things done.  So much for my simple life and just another busy day.

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