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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Feeling Grateful and Weary

After several days of working to put our home back together as well as cleaning for spring 2001 (a few years late) our week ended with a bit of a shock.  Gene is once again hospitalized with blood clots.  While this condition has haunted our thoughts since the near fatal clots of 2007, we thought he was past any problems with the recent surgery.  We had been mistaken or overly confident.  At any rate, we are very grateful that God has spared Gene once again.

But after the last 36 hours of a roller coaster ride of whats wrong, how bad and is there extensive damage, I am weary.  I want to close tonight with simply praising God and drifting into a restful night's sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear he went. I was not aware of 2007, but I had a sneaky idea that it might be a clot, they are so common after surgery. Glad his is doing ok! Tell him Hello and I'm praying for you both!


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