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Thursday, September 12, 2013


A fellow blogger at Weighty Matters lives in Norway.  I enjoy her posts about her life, home and work in Norway.  Mara is a tour bus driver who recently passed her Yrkes Sjafer Kompetance.  Click back there if you want to know what it means.  Mara's blog has taken her readers on mighty adventures in hiking, moving and picking fruit before the critters eat the crop.  Today Mara's blog is entitled simply "Blue".  There is a picture of, no don't let me spoil your treat.   Go and see for yourself at Weighty Matters.

Further reading on Mara's blog took me to the website of Canadian photographer, Dale Hudjik.  The website, Spun With Tears, runs a Thursday Challenge.  The blogger lives in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Canada is one of the favorite places we have ever visited.  We spent about two weeks in western Alberta.  Missed Edmonton back in 2008 but who knows, maybe some day.  Until then we will revisit the beauty of that country by looking at the many photos made on the trip.

The photo is part of a collection of dozens we have made of abandoned homes and businesses.  We have titled the entire collection 'Somebody's Dream'.  This particular photo was made while my husband and I were travelling along Hwy. 13 in a Jeep Wrangler.  Heading toward HWY 1, we angled northwest taking whatever back road caught our fancy.  We came across this old homestead near the border of Saskatchewan and Alberta.  The vast blue sky set a backdrop for the remains of dreams of an unknown past life.  A feeling of sadness, of feeling blue shrouded the scenery.  In honor of the Canadian photographer, I would ask to be allowed to enter this week's Thursday Challenge theme of "blue" by submitting a photo from our Canadian adventure.

'Somebody's hands opened the door, somebody's eyes saw this same blue sky."
taken 5/29/2008, 3:23 PM,  Konica Minolta Digital.

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by this bit of nothing. Would enjoy any comments you might have. Blessings