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Sunday, August 30, 2015

another anchor thread

Carpe Diem Special #164 Lolly's 6th "another anchor thread"

Inspiration full text here

sifting through
the personal effects
of a spider's web
an autumn wind loosens
another anchor thread

© Laura Williams (a.k.a. Lolly)

This past week there has finally been time to sit on the little patio in the relative cool of mornings.  Taking a simple breakfast while surveying the surroundings is so very refreshing for the soul.  However....  Two mornings this week a visitor slightly changed the access.  The first morning a spider had a web strung from the umbrella pole to the love seat.  The web was disturbed before it was seen.  Must get a photo!

Side tracked from grabbing a camera, a later return found both spider and wed gone!  No sign but one single bit of web.  The second morning had the same color spider with a web woven large enough that access was denied to the patio.  Managed to wiggle around enough to water the flowers.  Again retreated to get the camera and again side tracked.  And again upon return no spider, no web.  Maybe it was a no caffeine illusion.....

 gentle morning breeze
strums the orb weaver wheel spokes
melody of change
petra domina

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 


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