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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

29 Days to Lift Off

Today, February 23, is my Granny's 133 birthday.  Forty-seven years ago Granny passed away and a bit of joy left our life.  Granny was 86 the day we buried her.... on her birthday.

Granny had a mild stroke that caused her to be hospitalized shortly after Christmas, 1968.  In an attempt to follow her son home, she fell out of bed and broke her hip.  Surgery ensued as well as the remainder of her life, 7 short weeks, being spent in the hospital and nursing home.

Granny was in relatively good health up to the last.  Pepto Bismol and a dip of snuff kept her is fine shape.  She would walk the 4 or 5 blocks to the A&P, Woolworth's or Penney's to do a spot of shopping for Christmas and birthdays.  Granny would do a jig with her great grandchildren well into her eighties.  She would remind anyone misbehaving that Raw Head and Bloody Bones were lurking in the shadows to take care of bad children!

I loved sleeping with her between the flannel sheets of her bed.  Combing her thin, white hair is a memory I recall as a calming image.  I still use the sewing basket she gave me in my teen years.  Also, have the last can of snuff Daddy bought for her to have at my Mom's house.

One short month from today, March 23, will be the date we board the plane for our European adventure.  Unlike my spry Granny Chandler, I have required knee replacements, the last just 30 days ago.  I hope to dance a jig somewhere along the cruise of the Rhine, Main and Danube Rivers.

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