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Monday, December 4, 2017

DJ, Grandma and a Rabbit

Over the Thanksgiving weekend our son's dog, DJ, and the foster dog, Christina, were in an argument over a couple of bones.  DJ did not want to share.  Christina showed her who was boss.  Emergency vet trips, lots of $$$ later and we were asked to help supervise the two dogs while Son and DIL were working.  It was decided the easiest thing was for us to bring DJ to our apartment.  DJ, who is a Staffordshire terrier, is usually too confined in our place.  But with the pain meds, she mostly wanted only to sleep and follow close to us.

That was for the first 3 days.  With the swelling being reduced and antibiotics staving off infections, DJ was ready to move more on Thursday.  Of course there had been the necessary pit stops all along but Hubby was the one doing the walking.  The only way I can walk DJ, who is stout as a horse and weighs 60+ lbs, is with a muzzle.  The injuries on her face, head and neck would not allow the walking muzzle to be put on her.  By Thursday evening I decided I would give Hubby a rest from the walk and take DJ for the pit stop.

south courtyard

I almost went to the park but decided to just stay in the fenced courtyards of our apartment complex.  With DJ on her leash and a supply of poop bags, we walked into the north courtyard.  DJ did the usual doggie thing of finding where every other animal has eliminated. Then she must mark it, too.  This had been going on for a few minutes when I saw it.  The bunny that is living around the apartment complex.  I was gathering in the leash and heading back to the apartment when it happened.  DJ got wind of the rabbit.  I was just slightly in control of the dog as it pursued Bugs Bunny.  And then I was not.  I was stumbling being pulled by the excited dog.  The leash ripped from my hands in time to keep me from falling.  Or maybe I just let go.

Either way, the dog was loose and Bugs was running for it's only life.  As I yelled for her to stop I lost sight of DJ when she and Bugs rounded the corner into the south courtyard.  A gentleman up on the parking garage walkway noted the dog was in the south courtyard.  I thanked him and said she was chasing a rabbit.  He wished me luck in catching her as "she is really, really fast."  No kidding.

 BTW, apartments open into the courtyard and there are patios, etc. where a crazed, bunny driven dog could cause havoc.  I knew it would be hopeless to run after her as she was indeed really, really fast.  I settled for the cut her off at the pass and step on her leash tactic.  Got her.  But she was still in catch rabbit mode.  I could only take a step or two toward the hallway entrance before she was attempting to bolt again.  Our apartment was less than 50 steps away by this time.  It was obvious that I would never be able to control DJ.So as any person would do, I called Hubby and told him of the situation.  He said a bad word and added he would be right there.

He was not right there.  I do not remember if I called him or he called me.  He had gone to the park just knowing the dog was loose and would be killed.  No, dear, she is with me in the courtyard.  Ok, will be right there, was the response, again.  If only he would listen to what I say and not what he thinks I will say!  In the meantime I am still dealing with this dog that is standing next to the rabbit trail.  She goes behind the shrubs and is content just smelling the trail.  Then not content smelling but  m u s t run again.  Not this time, little girlie.  Sit and S T A Y.  In the process of dragging the dog out of the bushes and away from the scent trail, a rather large holly branch broke off underneath her collar.

By this time Hubby is coming through the gate.  It took Hubby's strength and command over DJ to get her back to the apartment.  Obviously, DJ was well on the way to recovery.  Hubby missed seeing the holly branch stuck in the dog's collar.  She had looked like the little dog (only not so little but the branch was really big) in How The Grinch Stole Christmas.  I had to laugh at the sight and the ridiculous situation we had gotten into because of DJ, Grandma and a Rabbit. 

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