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Saturday, March 10, 2018

March 10, 2018

Yesterday Hubby made us some $$$.  Well, he retrieved our money some would say.  He filed out federal taxes.  All the federal taxes we had paid were refunded.  The only direct taxes we pay are sales tax.  Texas does not have a personal property tax.  The auto tags are more expensive than in Missouri which makes up the difference. Real estate taxes are some of the highest in the nation.  The Austin area ranks in the top 50 cities with the highest real estate taxes.  While we do not own our apartment we still pay the tax indirectly in our rent each month. 

Taxes are hated by so many folks.  We have never gotten too excited about them.  After all we use the roads and other infrastructures.  We attended public schools as has our son and grandchildren.  We have had help from police and firemen at different points in our lives.  And I do love indoor plumbing and running water at the turn of a knob.  Taxes are the cost of these conveniences and services.  We paid our share of income taxes in the past.  Should I have income in the future that requires paying taxes, I will do it willfully.

Politics are just all over us this year.  The entire House of Representatives is up for election this year.  The primaries are over with the exception of a couple of run off elections where no one received 50% of the vote.  This fall will be mid-term elections.  Mid-term of the presidential 4 year term.  There seems to be more turnout anticipated due to well, Trump and the far right agenda.  No need for me to give my opinion at this time. 

Apparently the politics have waded into my sub-conscience.  I spent last night working to get a newspaper to correct my profile they had published for the campaign.  Mom saw us and said we needed to get over and cast out ballot for me.  I said I would as soon as I contacted the newspaper. Hubby and I looked for the phone number of the paper and finally found it.  I laid the paper down to get my cell.  This lady came up and sat on my paper.  I asked her to move so I could get my paper.  She finally stood up and I then explained to her who I was and hoped she would vote for me.  As I was preparing to tell her my political position, I awoke.

Whew!  What a nightmare.  Anyone that knows me probably would not vote for me cause most folks I know lean more conservative than I.  It would not be difficult to be more conservative than me.  Anytime I take tests about my political leanings it is always waaaayyy liberal.  Just not quite bat poop crazy by one mark.  Oh, well.  I do not plan to ever run for office of any kind ever again.  Not even dog catcher.


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