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Friday, March 26, 2021


Last week was full of DJ and Lila care.  Of course that was little more than staying at our son's home, feeding them, and allowing them to sit by me on the sofa.  Lila the kitty was missing her peeps and would sit for hours in my lap.  DJ slept a lot, also.  I read mostly.  Hubby and I would swap the days we spent at son's home.  Oh, the reason we were doing the care was a spring break ski trip for the family.

The latter part of this week we are, also, doing grandparent duty.  Yesterday required Son and DIL to make a quick trip to Ft. Worth.  Bonus grandson had a doctor's appointment so I did that duty.  With Cousin coming next week for her yearly visit, Grandpa ask Oldest grandson for help getting all the bed equipment out of the storage area.  We are attempting to get another bed setup to my nephew to further clear out our storage area.  

Family is a joy.  Unexpected conflicts in schedules can arise.  Months ago Son's friend planned an adults only weekend starting this evening.  Without realizing the conflict oral surgery for removal of Oldest grandson's wisdom teeth was scheduled for today.  I'll be spend this weekend at Son's house being food prep and overseer of two grandsons and the son of Son's friend.  As I am typing this Hubby/Grandpa is on his way to X-DIL's house to take Youngest grandson to soccer practice.  

After a year of such limited contact, all this activity feels really different.  With our having our first Covid shot the family feels much safer allowing us to be them.  And it is good to have a bit more purpose than just sitting at home, staying away from everyone.  With Oldest Sis being told that her use by date is sooner than any of us anticipated, family is so precious, so important to support in what ever way is needed.

Peace and Love,



  1. Hari Om
    ... it's a two part vaccination though... hope all other cautions are still being attended? We won't be entering each others homes until at least mid-May... YAM xx

  2. Yes, we are still being cautious. Out state is pretty much leaving it up to us, no restrictions. namaste, janice xx


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