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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Been A While, Again

Graduations, doctor visits, shopping for a different apartment, car repairs, PEO meetings, and luncheons that is what I've been doing.  These activities evoked various sets of emotions.  Joy for the graduation of our bonus grandson.  Fun developing new friendships through the PEO organization.  Stress over auto repairs and apartment shopping.  

Scripture says, as noted in the last post, to not worry and The Creator will take care of problems.  For me, that means evaluating the various situations using the good sense The Creator gave me.  The biggest of the challenges is the search for a new apartment.  Once again a spreadsheet has helped to sort out what besides a considerably lower price we would like to have in a different location.

It is really strange the conveniences we find would be essential to our living situation.  Size, storage, hopefully, covered parking, dishwashers, washer/dryer connections, and number one, distance to our doctors.  We would prefer not to have to change our health professionals, again.  In addition, we want to stay close to our son for his convenience as we continue to age.  I mean, it is either age or die.  I prefer to age, thank you.

There is one other huge stressor.  Sister #1 is still battling every day.  She can sit for only short periods of time due to pain in the area of the tumors.  She recently advanced from codine-based pain medicines to morphine.  She is tiring easily.  Everyone wants to visit her.  She has asked there be a day in between for her to rest.  That is except for her sisters.  Next week #2 and I will each travel the 200 miles from our homes and meet at #3's home.  From there we will go to be with #1 in her bedroom.  No strippers this time.  Only gentle talk with some laughter and tears in the mix.  Sister shirts are required.



  1. Hari OM
    New apartment? Don't recall that being mentioned before. Is this to do with that sudden rise in costs? I wish you well; relocating home is definitely one of the bigger stressors in life. Have fun with #1... YAM xx

    1. Yes, the relocation is all about the rising cost of housing. Austin area is growing rapidly. The pandemic and material shortages have resulted in a housing shortage. Apartments are receiving premium prices even for older apartment complexes. Our income is pretty much fixed. Our apartment rent has risen 35% in 8 years. The next lease amount will increase another 25% in just one year. We will have as much fun as possible. Will probably nap a lot, too. We are all old hens, not spring chicks. namaste, janice xx

  2. 25% in one year?!?! Wow, not even legal here!
    Good luck on the apartment hunting. I hope you find what you are looking for.
    Klem to you and your sisters,


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