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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Just A Few Errands

Wednesday is no longer hump day when one is retired.  It is just another day in one's life.  And you know what?  That's good.  Another day to live life.  How to live life when one has no commitments takes a lot of creativity.  Or just waiting for the phone to ring.

So what did our Wednesday look like?  We knew there was a basketball game at 5:30.  Was there something else we needed to accomplish?  Yesterday an email reminded me my charm bracelet was ready at James Avery's.  And DIL has a little project to make the laundry room more convenient.  To see if something else was on the calendar using the Google Home Mini Hubby gave me for Christmas I said, "Hey Google, what is on my calendar for today."  "I cannot answer that question without your permission....."  the machine answered and followed with instructions on how to give her access.

Now to appreciate our quandary, our e n t i r e Tuesday afternoon had been spent trying to get both Hubby and my google calendars to be accessed by the Mini.  Not only had that been unsuccessful, now the machine was not accessing either calendar.  That sent Hubby down the calendar/Home Mini hole again.  And we still did not know what was on the calendar.  I cranked up my laptop and got the answer - nothing else.  Good, I chose stay in my pjs and catch up on reading blogs, devotionals, reviewing emails, and do some online shopping.

Finally the need to move for a 'wee' bit helped me out of my chair.  I noticed the electronic candles needed to have the batteries that had been charging put in place.  Oh, yes. Yesterday I had pulled the big one completely apart when attempting to remove the batteries.  Hubby had said he would put it back together ... yesterday.  But yesterday he was trying to get both goggle accounts connected to Mini.  So the candle still needed to be put together and hot glued to make it stay put together.  That brought Hubby out of his chair and into action.

The mind then thought, "Hey, while he has the glue gun out and heated, let me add some glue on the hangers so the clothing does not slip off the hanger."  As long as we have the supplies out of the glue gun box, let me organize it so the glue sticks are not all over the place.  Those three tasks accomplished I decided it really was time to get dressed for the day.  Well, it was 2:15 PM.  By the time I was dressed and had (finally) put the batteries in the candles Hubby's phone rang.  Middle/ 13 yr. old grandson was needing Bush's chicken, sweet tea and some rolls brought to the school.  Needed the food for nourishment before the 5:30 PM game.  (This is one of Ninjapa's favorite things to do is get food for the grandkids.  He told me it warms his heart when they call and ask for him to do something.)

With that we were off to get the following accomplished:
  • purchase chicken 
  • take to grandson
  • get the measurements in laundry room
  • pick up the bracelet
  • go to basketball game

We left the apartment at around 3:15 PM.  By 5:15 all of the list was going great.  Everything accomplished.  We were in route and on track to make it to the game on time.  Hubby asks how much money I had on me.  Zero.  Not a penny. (Mind is now trying to remember when and on what I spent my money.)  Hubs has $3 after the chicken run.  We do not have enough money with us to do the one thing we had on the schedule to do today.   The money was on the dresser at home. . . back across town.  

The bank was closer so we headed to make a withdrawal.  It was rush hour and heavy traffic became a problem.  Pretty sure we will not make the start of the game.  Money withdrawn and we head back in the direction from which we just came.  Clock reads 5:58.  Mind thinks, "It is half time, I am certain.  I think G may still be unable to play due to the broken hand.  We are heading to a basketball game to watch our grandson sit on a bench."  He would not want to come to our house and watch us just sit in a chair.  Quick, text Son and see if G is playing.  Message sent.  ping  : NO.  Fine, we are still 12 minutes from the gym + find the gym entrance + walk and pay = we will miss 3/4 of the one thing we had on the calendar for the day.  Text to Son:  forgot $ will be too late to watch the game.  heading home.

I think this was all the fault of Home Mini.  She needed just to tell us what was on our calendar so we did not get all distracted.

Enjoy tomorrow.  I'm not sure what is going on here even the rest of today, forget tomorrow.


BTW the additional trip to the bank to get the $$ we ended up not using added almost 30 minutes and around 18 miles to the trip to nowhere.....

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