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Sunday, September 8, 2019

September 8, 2019

Image result for Oh, myTo quote a favorite Star Trek actor, "Oh, my!"  What the last 10 days have presented.  An appointment with the GP on August 29 proved to be more questions and no answers.  The process of elimination was begun.  Breathing test showed normal output though it did send me into a coughing fit.  Blood was drawn with some effort.  A shot in the rump and I was sent to get a chest x-ray.  Friday results from the x-ray was within normal limits.  No signs of pneumonia.  Blood tests would not be back until after the long Labor Day weekend.  The prednisone shot seemed to lessen the tightness in my sternum area.

On Monday. Labor Day, the breathing issue developed into at times a swallowing issue.  Cold liquids helped a bit as the tongue seemed to be swollen.  On Tuesday morning the doctor's nurse called to say the blood draw saw all things to be normal.  Every test showed all functions being normal.  Yet I could hardly talk to the nurse.  An appointment was made for the afternoon with the doctor's PA.  More checks.  Blood pressure up a bit.  Blood ox measured 99%.  Great.  We walked about 100 steps and the blood ox dropped 5%.  My voice was weak and I was dizzy.  I felt shaky which had been happening on and off recently.  EKG was taken.  Guess what.  Normal.  What the what?  Another blood draw to check for clots and two additional medications to be added to help with the swelling and coughing.  Depending on the results of the blood test a CT scan could be ordered.

Wednesday morning the PA called to say after a meeting with the doctor it was decided to send me for a CT scan without waiting on blood results.  Someone would call to schedule the time.  They did and Friday afternoon at 3:00 would be the time to show up for the scan.  Friday was, also, the day to attend a play, "Ann".  We were meeting Baby Sis, Youngest BIL and Youngest Nephew for dinner at 5:30 at Winebelly.   It might be close but we should be able to make it work.

Image result for ann the play
Governor Ann Richards
Except. . .  it seemed when the folks began working to put the IV in my arm to get more blood my body said 'enough, no more blood!'  In the process of wiggling the catheter and massaging to increase the blood flow the brain decided it was done.  Asking first for water and noting that I felt I might pass out things shifted.  It took quite a bit to get me stabilized again, ice packs and cold cloths certainly helped.  And apple juice never tasted so good.  As I was moved to the scanned my body was covered in perspiration.  My hair was wet as I lay down on the scanner table.

Image result for cat scan humor
The scan was quick.  I was ready to get dressed to leave to make it to the next appointment.  No you need to wait about 15 minutes to get the results of the scan.  If a clot is found you will need to go directly to the hospital.  What?  No I have fun stuff to do tonight!  Still being a bit shaky and sweaty I was placed in the sedation room.  I laid down and waited for the results.  Tick, Tick, Tick.

Strange the things one thinks of laying on a gurney, your body still sweaty from nearly fainting.   An attendant noted that if I went to the hospital in and ambulance the IV could be left in place.  If my husband took me to the hospital the IV would have to be removed.   My mind said, "Look, I do not want another prick.  So just pay for the ambulance."  Tick, Tick. 

Image result for WinebellyWe need to leave by no later than 4:30.  4:15 the attendant notes the radiologist is almost to my scan.  Finally she arrives to note there are no clots!!!  Great.  Every thing looked normal and my doctor would call and discuss the results further.  Catheter pulled, dressed and we were in the car by 4:30.  Horrible traffic in Austin and a couple of bad turn choices and we were late getting to the restaurant but who cared, no clot in my lungs.  The food was fabulous, the show was funny and we all had a great evening.

Saturday evening we met up with the FAB (our Son's) family for Hubby's belated birthday celebration.  Sis, Y BIL and Y nephew joined in the fun.  All day my breathing had done well.  The 2 block walk in the 100 degree heat to the cafe left me breathless.  Yep, heat definitely effects whatever this condition is.  Cold liquids helped.  Eventually breathing and voice was returning to as good as it gets now.  Hubby and I decided he would pick me up at the door when we left.

Now it is Sunday afternoon.  As I sit just typing on my laptop in a cool room with cool liquids breathing is almost normal.  I stayed in the apartment and walked around long enough to get the equivalent of a mile.  A distance and pace that 3 months ago would not even break a sweat.  Now I get winded.  I feel shaky and my hands have a slight tremble.  What next?  A pulmonoligist and hopefully some answers.

Ya'll all take care.  See you in a few.


  1. Hari Om
    ...with all that checking of lungs and brain - was the heart attended to? Would you like to mention to your medicos that ... "Even when their heart attacks were under way, only about one-third of the women in this study experienced the "classic" symptom of chest pain. Instead, shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue, a clammy sweat, dizziness, and nausea topped the list." That is from Harvard Health 'Heart Attacks in Women'. Glad you made it to the fun bit but take care ol' gal!!! YAM xx

    1. Why did my answer to you disappear? Heart is in good shape per the cardiologist.

  2. Oh goodness, Janice! I think that must be the worst thing. You feel like doodah and nobody can find anything wrong. At least when I had pain, there was a noticable reason. I so hope that they will find out what is wrong, even if it is just socks no longer agreeing with you!
    Sending you a big bear klem and lots of love and strength to get through all those questions you answered only the day before.

    1. Thanks, Mara. Loved the klem! Yes, this is different with not getting any answers. On to the next set of things to eliminate.


Thanks for stopping by this bit of nothing. Would enjoy any comments you might have. Blessings