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Thursday, June 3, 2021

June 3, 2021 You Light Up My Life

 My last post spoke of all the finagling Hubby and I did to bring back the pussywillow branches.  Project almost complete.  It did require the purchase of another roll of brown floral tape.  Here is the lighted branches in a spring arrangement.  Even have a bird's nest in the middle of the branches. 

I have to reglue a few of the balls as the fall off when I move them.  I want to add some fern to the back, also.  As these are spring flowers I will change our as the seasons change.  Over all I am really pleased with the result.  My hands are surely sore from all the winding of the tape onto the stems.  But that is good exercise for the stiff fingers.  

That is one project down and now on to the next one.  It occurs to me I probably need to make a list of all the unfinished projects.  Then there are the gotta go back and repair previous projects.  Then there are the new things like my birthday puzzle to assemble.  That gift was from last December and I haven't even touched that.  Before I do may more fine motor skill activities I will let Mr. Arthur Ritis settle down a bit.

Thanks for stopping by for a chat.

Take care



  1. Well, it does look very pretty I have to say. And I love the birdie in its nest!

    I have several smaller jobs to get on with regarding my handicrafts. I haven't touched any needles for months now. I might have to make a list similar to yours and get going!
    Have a nice day and tell Arthur to behave.

    1. I did not make my list yet but I have started my birthday puzzle. The puzzle is the front page of the New York Times on the day of my birth. And Arthur decided he needed to help. So now I have my wrist support on so that helps. Klem

  2. Hari OM
    I agree - most decorative and it's got me thinking...

    not that I need any projects adding to my rather lengthy list!!! YAM xx

    1. Thanks. I think I am really pleased with it. With Hubby's modification to make it electrified it is really easy. Plus is there is a timer built into the original battery powered box circuitry. So automatic on and off. namaste, janice xx


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