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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June 8, 2021 Voice, Stretching, Keys, and Jeep

ggggggggFor several months my voice box was been attacked by stomach acids.  Once my hiatal surgery healed the ENT and I waited for some time to give the larynx to heal.  My voice became stronger but still very raspy accompanied by a constant minor throat soreness.  Finally stopping the excessive coughing did not reduced the throat irritation.  After forgetting to do my nasal inhalers and asthma inhaler one day, I noticed my voice was slightly stronger the next day.  In addition the raspiness was less.  Those medications have been left on the counter for 4 days.  Each day my voice is less raspy, stronger, and throat less irritated.  Think the meds will stay on the shelf unless something changes in a negative way.

Every Tuesday morning we go to Stretch Lab.  Hubby and I get pulled, twisted, stretched, and generally wrung like a rag.  These are not us in any of the photos.  Those are some of the positions into which our 74 and 80 year old bodies are stretched.  Well, attempt to be stretched.  We are improving as there is a monthly evaluation.  We have felt an improvement in balance and flexibility.  I can squat and hold the position long enough to get items from a bottom shelf.  Standing up from the squat is normal, not requiring a hand hold or anything.  

Notice the little cubby holes in the bench?  That is where our personal items are stored during the workout.  Items like purse, cell phone, water bottles, keys, etc.    It is helpful to remember any items placed in the cubby holes.

Items such as keys.  Keys that allow entrance into our apartment.  Keys that you do not realize you do no have with you until you reach the front door of one's apartment.  Keys that require hiking back out to the south parking garage as our garage is closed for painting.  Keys were not found in the car so a drive back to Stretch Lab to retrieve.  Since it is less than a mile between us and Stretch Lab, no big deal.  

Keys retrieved successfully and now we needed lunch.  We ask google to guide us to the nearest Panera Bread.  Google had its mind messed up as it wanted to take us in the wrong direction.  We made it to the bread place.  Chicken salad sandwich to split and a couple of cinnamon crunch bagels.  We were ready to be home in our recliners for the afternoon.

Now for the Jeep part of our day.  In February during the ice storm time frame some one decided the Jeep was a place to live for a few days.  The doors had not been put on but a cloth cover was over the entire Jeep.  The glove box had been cleaned out including the owners manual.  The GPS had been torn from its holder.  Hubby was very frustrated.  If the doors had been on that would not have happened.  Doors were immediately reinstalled.

As we went to the car this morning on the way to Stretch Lab I noticed the side window of the soft top was partially unzipped.  No time to check what had been done until we returned from our stretch appointment.  Not only had the side window been opened and some things disturbed, the back window was unzipped.  Stored in the back was a hitch mount canvas storage bag full of straps, chains, jumper cables, and other things we do not remember.  This bag is what we would pack camping and travel items in when on vacations.  The bag and contents now belong to someone else.  Ugh.  We will access if we need to replace that as we are not tent camping these days.

Hubby and his beloved Jeep
Our parking garage is not secure.  Our assigned parking place is on the first floor parking.  This is now the third vandalism on our vehicles.  One was a broken window on the CMax, two times the Jeep has been entered with out permission.  With the Jeep having a soft top, entry can be made by simply loosening the velcro cover and unzip the zip closure.   Today we made the decision to request a second assigned parking place on a higher floor of the garage.  Our hope is this will discourage someone messing with Hubby's Jeep.  One can only hope.  

Our lost, well used bag : (
The positive for the day is we are ok and #1 Sister is managing her chemo and now radiation fairly well.  Sister #2 is doing well following her AFib event.  Generally speaking is life is good.  So, y'all all take care and stay safe.



  1. Hari OM
    UGh - that amount of jeep tampering would have me wondering about a different vehicle - or an electrification of the 'hull'!!! another parking level is another way and I sure hope it works for you.

    I am glad you figured out the inhalers could also be culprits re the raspiness. I only take mine when I feel the chest tightening with impending attack... which to be honest, has not been for a while. I live in a very clean air area and have very little stress now - could this be a factor??? (Of course, now I've thought that, what's the betting there will be an asthma attack pretty soon?!!) YAM xx

  2. We have a hard top we could put on the Jeep. We have several homeless people that hang in the general area. As we were driving away in the Jeep that same morning a apparent homeless person was walking in the parking lot. He appeared to be looking us as if he was really familiar with the Jeep. We both thought he was acting rather guilty. It is conceivable the same person keeps targeting the Jeep. If this different location does not fix the problem we may start parking the Jeep at our son's place.

    As for the asthma and raspiness I am being pretty pleased with the continued improvement. Also, a plus in the pocketbook.

    namaste, janice ss

  3. Good to hear your throat is going the right way again. Sometimes simple unexpected things can help such a great deal.

    Sorry to hear about the car though. The fact that somebody wants a place to kip during an ice storm is understandable enough, but then stealing. So annoying. I hope parking elsewhere will help. Do any of the other residents have similar problems?

    Have a nice day,

  4. Oh such a menace. So scary to have desperate people in the neighborhood. Police won't help? By the way, that picture of the jeep is awesome with the fallen flowers in the background.

  5. Thank you, Janice for coming by. I took a chance on you not as since it was late, I was last, and no one had shown as visiting, I decided to try next Saturday with the same picture. I'm sorry that you didn't get to see it and came for nothing.
    Sorry too, about the Hub's Jeep. We are looking for suitable apartments, and my driver car is a ragtop, a 1998 Ford Mustang. Out in a parking lot would age it quickly. The driver car sits out as I also have another older Mustang that needs garaging.
    One last, ages here. Mrs. Jim is your age plus and I am a little older than your man.
    See you virtually next weekend if not sooner with the "shadows". Jim of Sydney and I exchange the Reflections (on my other active blog) and Shadows so I decided to check you guys out.

    1. There are some apartments in our area with attached garages. Most are town houses so there would be stairs to climb. Pretty much do not want that risk added at our age. Thanks for the stop by.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh what a bummer - little ratbags for having taken your things! I hope the new garage area is more secure. I am fascinated by your stretch gym, Looks a great thing to go too.
    Wren x

    1. LWW, we have both felt so much better for spending our money in this manner. Hubby walking more and I have better range of motion on my right knee. If there is too much tightness to get a good stretch the therapist will do massages to help. A great 50 minutes once a week.


Thanks for stopping by this bit of nothing. Would enjoy any comments you might have. Blessings