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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Tuesday Two Step

After all the excitement on Saturday with the TV falling over on Hubby, we have stayed pretty low key.  Have temporarily put some lights up in the utility closet.  I may have used clothes pins to attach to the wire shelving...  It works and now we can see what we are digging for in the little freezer.  That really helps. 

Under cabinet lights are about ready to be installed in the kitchen area.  Having to get a slightly longer USB-c to USB -c connector that will arrive on Thursday.  The new switch for the Dyson vacuum has been delayed at the Kyle, TX, Amazon distribution center.  The last package that was delayed from that center never showed up at our place.  Just checked orders and two additional orders are at our mailbox hub.  Guess I may have to get out after a bit and go get those things before someone decides to send them back!

Today was grocery pickup day.  The online ordering, adding as Hubby and I remember items, and the simplicity of picking up the items is so helpful.  With our being in an apartment, there is no parking in the garage, opening a door and being in our home.  This particular apartment is on the fourth floor at the end of the hall away from the elevator.  Of course, stairs are just a few steps away but, no.  That is not going to happen no matter how many people 15 and 20 years younger tell us it would be better for our health.  I personally think the falling risk is greater than the health benefits.

Digressing from the requirements of getting groceries from our car to the apartment.  We park almost directly below our apartment.  While having a winch assembly might seem like a nice shortcut, it would probably be about as useful as climbing 4 flights of stairs with groceries.  Our handy little cart shown here in the hall utility room is used to transport the plastic tubs with lids to the car.  All get loaded into the car and travel the .75 mile to the grocery store.  Paper bags of groceries are placed in the tubs, return to apartment, cover tubs, load onto the cart, and return to the 4th floor via the elevator.

The distance is a bit further than in our previous apartment.  We, also, do not have cover when we are loading and unloading the car.  That was the one thing we miss, covered parking.  We will get over it.  The distance to get into the building is only about 30 steps so we never get too soaked.  Anyway, that is some of what apartment life is being like for us.

I have snapped a few photos of the main part of our apartment.  Of course Hubby might disagree  as I have not included photos of his ham shack/guest bedroom.  I apologize for the blurry as my hands are a bit shaky tonight.  Just another of some of the new little challenges.

Entry hall, ham shack to the right.  Another Goodwill box.

Living area with clutter of projects on kitchen cabinet.  Will they ever all get done?

Dining area with Hubby making apple butter.  That will be good!  Our bedroom door at left.

Looking across the living area and our nests.


Most of the bedroom and bath.  You may have noticed we have lots of windows.  The bedroom windows face east of northeast.  Really bright in the morning.  Room darkening curtains have been added.  

On this side of the apartment which includes the balcony we overlook a school playground.  It is fun to watch the kids at play.  It is a private school.  Males wear shorts and pants.  The girls wear short skirts.  I am told the girls are required to wear shorts or leggings beneath the skirts.  Whatever.

That is about all for now.  You folks out there, take care.  Know you are loved and are important to me.



  1. Hari OM
    I say, that looks fabulous! Yes, I know there is 'stuff' - but we all have 'stuff', and if finds its place. Eventually. YAM xx

    1. Thank you. Sure feels good to be getting things organized. namaste, janice xx


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