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Sunday, December 20, 2015


Carpe Diem #882 beneath the stars of the deep north: low tide crossing, July

The following is an excerpt from our host's post:

low tide crossing
the crane’s shank is wetted
with the sea’s coolness

© Basho (Tr. Jane Reichhold)

what delicacy is served
this festival day in Kisagata
that sweet smell

© Sora (tr. Chèvrefeuille)

After lingering in Sakata for several days, I left on a long walk of a hundred and thirty miles to the capital of the province of Kaga. As I looked up at the clouds gathering around the mountains of the Hokuriku road, the thought of the great distance awaiting me almost overwhelmed my heart. Driving myself all the time, however, I entered the province of Echigo through the barrier-gate of Nezu, and arrived at the barrier-gate of Ichiburi in the province of Ecchu. During the nine days I needed for this trip, I could not write very much, what with the heat and moisture, and my old complaint that pestered me immeasurably.

ordinarily the sixth night
is not like this

© Basho (Tr. Jane Reichhold)

My response:

in the pond
a cow stands cooling
her teats

©  Janice 'petra domina' Adcock

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 


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