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Tuesday, August 2, 2022


This morning I went into the YouTube rabbit hole.  It was started by going to a music clip one of my nephews-in-law posted on Facebook.  Mack is a musician by hobby and now by trade.  At 62 he retired from an 8-5 job and is now working with the high school band program.  Mack is in love with this new job.  Being both a composer and performer, Mack is enjoying helping young people explore their talents.

Once I finished watching/listening to a few music videos, I was drawn to a tribute to Mohammad Ali.  The person giving the tribute was Billy Crystal.  Click on Billy's name to see the entire tribute.  There was a point in the tribute where Crystal recounts Ali giving him a hug.  Then Ali whispered into Crystal's ear, "You're my Little Brother."  That recounted gesture sent me into tears.  

Immediately I recalled my last goodbye to Sis #1.  It had been less than a month since Sis #1 had held my hand tightly.  She called me her little sister.  Then she said, "you'll never know how much I love you."  Finally, the tears flowed.  Tears of grief, sorrow, but mostly love!  Love for my Big Sissy.

That's all I have to say now.


Sis #1 holding me.  Sis #2 to the right of Sis #1  Cousin to the left.

Sis 2, Sis 3, me, our angel Sis1


  1. Hari OM
    Yeah, catharsis comes from unexpected places - sweet agony... YAM xx

    1. Yes, I seem to be having lots of posts about this. namaste, janice xx

    2. ...and that is perfectly fine! Yxx


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