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Monday, April 27, 2015

full circle

Carpe Diem Full Circle #1, Sunflower Reflection

Use the following words to make 4 haiku.  Each word is to correspond to the line of its number.  Well, I wonder what that Chèvrefeuille will think of next!

1. sunflower
2. rain storm
3. puddles
4. beach
5. waves
6. making love
7. seagulls
8. rain storm
9. lightning
10. mountain
11. peony
12. nightingale

bowing sunflower
beaten after the rain storm
petal filled puddles

along the beach
sun caresses the waves -
making love shine

beautiful seagulls
huddle close in the rainstorm
eyes reflect lightning

sunlit mountain mist
colors of a peony
nightingales refrain

©  Janice Adcock
Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts on 


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