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Sunday, May 17, 2015

bell at sunset

Carpe Diem #732 "A bell at sunset"

Did you hear that?  Neither did I.  Isn't it grand to be in a location of nothing but quite. Sure there might be a bird, trickling water or a gentle breeze.  But that is not noise. That is joy.  The cedar trees are emitting the glorious aroma that only they can emit.  The wild flowers are in a silent riot of blossoms swaying in the breeze.  And one just sitting, lost in the space between here and there ...

unseen twig falls
softly striking the leaves
announcing sunset

©  Janice Adcock

The full text of the inspirational challenge is found here.
Today I've (Bastet) visited  Jane Reichhold's Bare Bones School of Haiku trying to understand and therefore explain to you something about today's haiku by Basho:

(spring 1689)

Spending a lonely spring evening in a country cottage

bell at sunset
also was not heard
a spring evening  

© Basho (trans. Jane Reichhold)

no poplar seeds
are falling like snow
under the rainfall

the cuckoo's call
unheard on the plains
on a spring morning

© G.s.k. '15

Thanks to Chèvrefeuille for daily prompts and Georgia for this weekend's prompt on 



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