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Sunday, June 9, 2019

June 9, 2019

Sunday in June.  In Texas.  Is Hot.  After joining the family for the birthday brunch we came home.  I stayed in my dress which was comfortable.  Sitting in my chair I fell asleep.  For several hours.  Not just a nap, deep sleep.  I used the neck pillow so did not awake with a crick in my neck.  I did awake to a video game on our TV.  Hubby was watching a video he thought our youngest grandson had posted.  It was not.  And we still have not located the post.  Oh, well.

We are planning to leave for South Carolina in about 2 weeks.  I had purchased some material last year.  This past week I became inspired to make a couple of garments out of them.  Guess one could say I got in the notion to sew.  Anyway both garment patterns are cut out and I will begin work on them tomorrow.  One will be a dress.  I have enough material left to make a sleep top out of that material.  The other will be a pair of jean type beach comber length pants.  The jeans will be a ore complicated project  It has been several years since I put a zipper in a garment.  Oh, well.  Sewing is like riding a bike.  Does not take much to get the rhythm back.

A stormy weather front is passing through tonight.  Tornado sightings.  High winds uprooted some trees.  Now it is lightning and hard rain on and off but the high winds have stopped.  Just June in Texas.  Well, at least it is not quite as hot. 

Ya'll all take care.


  1. Hari OM
    From one who slept a good deal of Sunday also, well done! It was obviously required for the reserves. Now am looking forward to seeing new clothes! YAM xx

    1. Yes, I seem to have a bit more energy today. Now if I can get myself to stay with just one thing and not wander off to a different project. I am bad about being all energetic and starting too many projects at the same time. Drives hubby crazy. janice xx

  2. If you fall off the bike and the zipper doesn't work, let me know and I'll send you over some elephant pants like all the tourists wear here! Should get them talking in South Carolina! I have just made friends with a lovely American club lady from South Carolina here in Bangkok :)
    Wren x

    1. Now I have to look up elephant pants. And I might fall off that bike. Ha! Life continues to affirm how small our world really is.

  3. Happy sewing...have not sewn in decades and then I never did much but curtains some skirts that took me about 20 hours to complete (but they were very nice) lol I want to get a sewing maching before I retire and decent digital camera as well...that will fill my spare time...or what I think I will hve time for:) It was 18C today...not hot...may go up to 27 tomorrow...thta is perfect for you and hot for me. I am happy at 70F

    1. Weather was nice the last two days but heat to return today. Less humidity makes it better.


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