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Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June 4, 2019

We have made it back home from a week of helping my second oldest sister, aka Sister #2, following her knee revision of a previous replacement.  Yes, this is a total of two sisters having a total of 3 knee replacements since January 14.  Sister # 2 has now had a total of 3 replacement with the first being 17 years ago and the is the one she had replaced this time.  Both Sister #1 and #2 are on the mend now.  Unfortunately Sister #1 needs a hip replaced but she wants to wait till next year.  Can't blame her after the cellulitis issue following the second replacement.  Her body needs to regain strength to withstand another surgery.

Sister #2 lives in Oklahoma on about 6 acres.  BIL has a garden.  We had freshly dug potatoes for at least 2 meals.  Now that is good eats for this old farm girl.  Surely brought back childhood memories.  Amazing how taste and smell can trigger so many memories.  We four sat at the 104 year old table that belonged to our dad's mom.  We shared memories of our childhoods.

BIL, Sister #2 and I had grown up in the same rural community.  Sister #2 swears she fell in love with him when she was about 8 or 9 at the grade school we all attended.  She was about 13 when they started dating on and off in the 1950's.  They married on January 10, 1957.  Sis #2 was only 16.  One of her good friends was already married with a child of her own.  Lots of girls married young in those days.

Some of those young girls are gone to the next realm.  Others like Sister #2 are still chugging along.  Getting up early and enjoying a cup of coffee with the same man for the last 62+ years.  Watching for the birds that come to the birdhouses BIL has built.  Or birds and wild turkeys wandering about the 6 acres.

Sister #2's daughter shares the 6 acres with her parents.  She checks on them daily.  As does her husband, daughter and grandchildren  Sister #2 is their Yaya.  The great grandson is only 3 so he is especially fond of his Yaya.  According to Sister #2, aka Yaya, she does not do everything he wants.  Everyone else disagrees with that. 

Daughter making one of many trips to check on her parents, aka BIL and Sister #2
I understand Yaya's love of that spirited youngster.  The unexpected things he says.  He recently picked up a roly poly bug.  He came to his Yaya and said, "See my roly poly? He's my friend".  His blue eyes light up talking about bugs, water and dirt.  Just the simple pleasures of childhood.  In this world with so many negative vibes, the innocent qualities in this little boy bring a refreshing distraction.

Great grandson and his dog, Ranger, enjoying a bit of water in his new pool.
I will leave you this evening with a photo of one of the Hackberry Emperor on my husband's hand.  Cause no matter the age we humans still enjoy the simple pleasures of lfe.


  1. Hari OM
    Such a beautiful post, Janice. Filled with Love of the best kind. YAM xx

    1. Our family is long on Love and short of money some would say. namaste, janice, xx

  2. beautiful series of photos....
    Hope, everything goes well with you and yours


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