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Monday, August 25, 2014

Vision Quest

Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is taking the participants on a three day Vision Quest.  Chèvrefeuille is giving a haiku a day for inspiration.  We are to write our vision inspired by each of the haiku as well as one of our own haiku.  So, here goes!

Here is our first haiku/senryu for the first day of this first Vision Quest:

new moon
she, our moon will grow again
a new life cycle
© Chèvrefeuille (2012)

The vision that came to mind was me as a child crawling out a second story window onto the backporch roof top.  I lay there in the summer night.  No moonlight to show the path to the privy.  No shadows in that darkness.  Only the stars of the wide Texas sky.  A child dreamer wondering where will life lead and who will help her get there.

This new writing adventure is being great fun for me.  I am enjoying the concise manner of this type of poetry.  To be able to express emotions, senses, observations and new insights condensed into 17 syllables is delightfully challenging.  Learning the mechanics of a proper haiku is certainly stretching my mind while enriching my soul.  This seems to be giving a new focus in this final third of life.

 lonely star unlit path
darkest of dark night sky
seek again friend moon

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