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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Another Good Day

About 4 or 5 years ago I was walking 10K steps a day.  I decided to enhance my stability by doing sideways steps.  At first I did 20 to each side.  If a little is good more is better.  Nope.  The additional steps, up to 200 each side, caused me to develop adductor tendonitis.  A trip to the orthopedic doctor sent me to rehab.  

Rehab showed me a series of movements.  I think I went a couple of times at most.  At home exercise over several months and the tendonitis seemed to resolve itself for the most part.  Fast forward to last August.  I had been experiencing intermittent discomfort with the adductors and tendons again.  I quit Stretch Lab and started doing exercises and stretching at home.

One of the exercises I added to my routine in August 2022 was one used back in the 1980s.  A Jane Fonda workout tape was used at the gym a friend and I went to most mornings.   The movement was to build up the inner thigh muscles.  As in the photo below one lays on your side with the top leg bent forward.  Raise the bottom leg.  

Back in the 80s it took my friend and I a few times to figure out how to make those muscles work.  That was the exercise I began doing back in August.  Not the best plan for a person with a tendency toward adductor issues.  Those are the very muscles that are the primary in the "twat tightener" movement.  Twat tightener was the name Donna and I gave the movement.

By early October I was not doing at all well.  I was losing my balance due to the pain when using my leg.  I was not able to lift my let to cross it over my leg when sitting.  Lifting the leg to get dressed was pretty tough.  If I wanted to get in the car safely, I'd best not do anything to spread my legs apart.  Stretching my legs apart would be excruciating pain.  So on Halloween I returned to Dr. Valestro, our family orthopedic doctor. 

He sent me straight to therapy.  This time his instructions to the therapist included ultrasound treatments.  On November 28 I had my first therapy session.  The therapist said the adductor tendon and muscle were like a rod.  In a relaxed position the muscle and tendon should have been soft to the touch.  I was treated and put through a series of exercises.  I was to do the exercises once daily.  I have done those initial movements as well as some additional ones added later.

Today was my tenth therapy session.   I told Michelle, the therapist, that I was to see the doctor later so we discussed the progress we have made.  She said when I first came my adductor & tendon were like a rod for about 10 inches.  As of today only about 2 inches were still tight like a rod.  She said the area always softens up a bit more after the ultrasound treatment.  That treatment is the last thing we do at each session.  I reported this to the doctor.  He checked and agreed with the need to continue therapy till at least to the end of the month or longer if needed.

With all this, I will continue to do the exercises and sit a lot allowing additional healing of the muscles.  At least for now I have improved enough that a cane for stability is no longer needed.  I can take a step backwards and not hurt.  I still sit to put on slacks, socks and shoes.  Sleep is no longer interrupted when I move my leg in my sleep.  Now you folks know the why behind my lack of enthusiasm over the last few months. 

Stay safe,


  1. Hari OM
    Ouch! You put me to shame though... over the past year I have not even been doing my seated cycle exercise. Something I must correct for 2023. I truly have become a blob - there is no hope of any muscle in my body every resembling a rod, or even a whip. They are all just mush right now. All the best with the continued healing. YAM xx

    1. I can assure you other than the required therapy I have been a real blob for the past 10 days. HUbby even had to do the laundry last week! namaste, janice xx


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