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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Hijacked by The Far Right Wingnuts

Our democratic government was in peril on January 6, 2021.  There were groups of Far Right congresspersons that were even texting with the groups that were attacking the Capitol building.  Andy Briggs was one such person.  He is again making an attempt to overthrow our government processes by actively opposing McCarthy as Speaker.  Without a speaker, no business can be conducted by the House of Representatives.  Ms. Greene (aka, nutcake) is backing McCarthy though she, also, encouraged the January 6 "demonstration".  As it stands today there are 20 people holding the business of our nation hostage.  

Click here to get a rough idea of how the Speaker is elected.  This article gives a summary of demands that any Speaker candidate must meet to get the needed votes of the Far Right.  Some of the demands boil down to folks wanting to be heads of certain committees.  Power hunger to be able to take away more freedoms from the general public to match narrow ideas.  Prolife that takes away birth control options and I do not mean abortion as that is no longer an option.  How about IUDs?  Yes, there are governors pushing for laws to ban those.  Morning after pills are considered by the Right to be abortion.  Contraceptives of any sort are to be banned in the minds of some.

Then there is the whole other issue of banning books.  I feel like a kid again in the sense I lived in the McCarthy Witch Hunt years.

I needed to get that off my chest.  Thanks for listening.

As for Hubby and I, we are okay.  Had a wonderful Holiday season.  Time with family and new found friends has been wonderful!  No cards sent this year as I am working to not work.  My adductor tendon was so tight I was not stable walking.  Have been in rehab since early November.  Yesterday, January 3, Michelle, my therapist, said the area is soft for probably 95% of length of the adductor.  I need to remain much less active till February to get this situation resolved.  Then it will be time to begin prepping for the anticipated relocation in this area.

Ecard I published on Facebook:

The inside said, 

"May your life be filled with all the joy our Grand dog, DJ, feels when riding with her head out the window of our car.

Blessings to each and every one of our friends and family."

Happy New Year


  1. Hari OM
    For reasons only the intermutts knows, this post only just appeared on my reader at 11;00 saying it had been published 13 hours prior... I know we have had postal delays here in the UK... but electronically???!!!

    Anyhoo, glad to read it now and I hear you about the state of politics. That very subject was the focus of discussion on my News Agents podcast last evening; an elaborate and interesting system you have over there. 😵‍💫 Hope it resolves at least by end of week. Mind you, UK politics is, I'm sure you are aware, a right shambles too. I do rather despair that folk absolutely insist on running the same old mill that history shows us we should be avoiding...

    Wishing you all the best for 2023 and hope that shift of residence goes smoothly and proves worth the endurance! YAM xx

  2. Thanks for stopping by. The folks seem to have been convinced old way should work. A few of them should have to live as I did in the late 40s. Had it not been for government programs, there would have been no lights in the countryside. A decade later water systems were brought to the countryside. I'd like to see the folks that want the old way to spend hours on tractors, in fields chopping weeds, cleaning out the outhouse! Governments like the US and Britain may not be perfect but surely beat other options. Love, Janice


Thanks for stopping by this bit of nothing. Would enjoy any comments you might have. Blessings