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Sunday, January 15, 2023

Slow Sunday Helps Planning

Hubby has worked a bit in the big storage room where he has his tools and spare parts for his ham radio projects.  He pulled down our old computer tower.  Now there is a small hard drive to somehow erase or make unretrievable.  The tower was not working to where a drive scrubber program could work.  He took time to rest and eat a snack.  "There is a power supply that operates with ..." a bunch of numbers and facts that meant absolutely nothing to me.  He noted he could keep it and retrofit for use as a power supply for some of his projects.  

Hubs was wanting my input.  Like I had any ideas as how to use the thing.  Paper weight would be all I would use it for in my mind.  What would a device cost should he want to purchase one in the future seemed something to consider.  His best guess was $125 - $175.  No brainer, keep the thing in a place he can find it.  That last sentence being the big question.

We have come up with a way to get a bit more organized in the sordig and moving.  We decided instead of having items for like functions to be gathered in groups in our living space.  I know that is not a revolutionary for most folks.  That is not the way of Hubby.  That is just the way he operates and has for the 56+ years we have lived together.  He probably did not see the need for a plan for this move.  I was being overwhelmed with what was feeling like chaos.  

So far there is a pile of family heritage items next to my chair.  That will grow as more photo albums, etc. are found.  The simple act of sorting made me realize how far I have to go to be finished with the digital archive.  Ugh.  Hopefully with the extra room I can leave the scanner setup to really focus on that project again.  Once we get settled into the new place.  

One more thing came to light.  All the toys from our son's childhood we still have.  Lionel train set, Tonka trucks, a small self propelled riding toy, games and who knows what else we will uncover.  Decision is these items will be placed on the very top shelf of the enormous shelf.  That shelf built to hold TV's in Hubby's family repair shop was crafted by Hubby's dad.  Grandpa learned to weld in his lifetime at some point.  The shelf was one of his last projects.  Seems right for Grandpa's shelf to hold his only grandson's toys.

All those toys were kept for our still young grandsons when we moved 9+ years ago in 2013.  They played with a few but never the train.  It is a shame we never had the room to set it up for them.  It is definitely a collector item.  So are the Tonka trucks.  #3 Grandson showed some interest as I was talking about them at dinner on Thursday evening.  Time will tell.  He is an 18 yr. old with a lot of other things on his mind.

That is about all from the apartment in Round Rock, TX.  Y'all all stay safe.



  1. Hari OM
    There is quite the market in period toys that are well kept and in good order; if nothing else, grandson #3 oughtta appreciate the potential in that! It's a huge task, downsizing and reorganising so much that we hold onto, it would be good if some of it could be rehomed and relieve you of its concern. YAM xx

    1. We took at least 4 or 5 boxes to Son's house on Friday. Last night he asked what my hopes were for the items. Our answer was that the items are his to do as he wishes. Today as I did a bit more sorting of boxes of photos, etc. lots of his child hood, high school, and even college were uncovered. The Charlie Brown bank my BFF Reba Jane brought to the hospital when he was born was in one of the boxes. Last evening we had dinner with the family. I mixed up the brownie recipe I have used for the last 40 years. I revised it with almond flour and coconut oil instead of wheat flour and butter. About an hour ago I received a text telling me DIL said they the best things she had eaten in a while. So sweet to her to say. Then Son said it tasted like childhood.


Thanks for stopping by this bit of nothing. Would enjoy any comments you might have. Blessings