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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Beginning A New, Again

Guess one could say today is the beginning of a new phase in our lives.  Hopefully on April 6 or 7 we will be moving to a new location with two bedrooms and two bathrooms.  Two bedrooms had been the initial plan when we relocated to Round Rock from Missouri.  Once we unpacked the last box, Hubby refused another move. 

Fast forward 9.5 years later.  Rent has risen to half again what we originally were paying.  A new subsidized 55 plus community has opened.  We can get a 2 bedroom for a marked difference in our current rate.  Almost back to the original amount for the 1 bedroom.  Unless there is a major hitch, it looks like we may be able to spread out a bit in this layout.

B1- Two Bedroom / Two Bath - 1,169 Sq.Ft.*
Today we rented a small storage unit next door to the hoped for apartment location.  We moved some items from our small storage closet.  Another couple of trips will have it and part of the larger storage closet items moved.  There are so many storage tubs of family photo albums from us and our folks.  And there are still more to go.  We will continue to donate items we have not used in the past 9.5 years.  Hopefully I will get all the camping gear into one tub.  Because Hubby would like to go out one more time.  We will have to see.

After a busy afternoon we are resting our old bodies.  Heating pad on my leg an a cuppa on the table within reach.

Take care!


  1. Hari OM
    Oh I say - that's a neat and flowing layout... I have everything crossed for you that this goes smoothly! YAM xx


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