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Friday, January 13, 2023

Root Canal #1

 A couple of weeks ago Hubby woke up in pain in his jaw and face.  He called his PC physician's nurse.  After a consult via texts he was sent to a dentist.  The dentist's assessment following xrays was an abscessed tooth/teeth and one that was beyond saving.  The diagnosis and treatment recommendations were two root canals and one extraction.  The two teeth needing the the root canals needed new caps.  None of the treatments could be done until the completion of a round of antibiotics.

Finally, yesterday the first of the treatments was done, a root canal on what is known as the 'eye or canine' tooth.  He goes in on Monday to begin the capping process for that tooth.  Next Thursday the second root canal will be done.  On Friday morning the second capping process will be started.  Lastly, will be the tooth extraction cause that is how Hubby wants it done.  His mouth, his call.

One thing about yesterday's root canal was a bit different.  The endodontist ask Hubby if he wanted to see his canal that had been removed.  The doctor noted Hubby's root was really long and deep.  Hubby said it looked like a short fishing worm.  Ugh.   Never before had the offer of viewing the actual root canal been offered to Hubby nor me.  As for me, my tooth roots are so twisted and crooked that the endodontist is at their wits end just to get the darn thing out without any show and tell.

My last root canal, at least 15 years ago, was really long.  While this website says that procedure is pretty much painless it really depends.  Hubby's experience yesterday was only discomfort when the shot was given.  Fifteen years ago, not the same for me as the deadening kept wearing off.  Twisty, crooked roots take lots longer to deal with than a nice straight root.  Here is wishing you folks in need of a root canal straight roots and no infections!

Have a fun and safe weekend,



  1. Hari OM
    I only once ever endured root canal work... couple of thousand bucks and several weeks later I was left with no tooth and a lot of discomfort. I have maintained that gap well. I am one of those dreadful people who doesn't go near dentists - because that experience thirty years back ensured my loss of faith. I have also been blessed with really good, strong teeth that I have been particular in keeping well. So far so good... YAM xx

    1. You are very fortunate. My younger sis never had a cavity till in her late 30s. Me, I had them by 13. Mouth full of fillings and caps. namaste, janice xx


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