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Friday, February 2, 2024


Pings from September storm
 No, we are not prepping for the national government meltdown.  We are prepping for another possible round of hail.  As noted in previous posts our area received a devastating hail storm in late September.  Our vehicles were no longer in the protection of a parking garage.  Both vehicles did get several small pings.

Today we made an attempt to give the CMax and Jeep a bit of protection.  The Jeep hood is covered with a flannel lined vinyl cover we used for years.  It is laying in double thickness on the hood with a full cover over the entire body.  The CMax is covered on the hood and top with furniture pads.  I wanted to put a tarp to try to avoid the pads being completely soaked.  Hubby said no.  Not worth a fight so wet pads it will be.

The pad on top of the CMax is the color of the car.  Note straps.

I think if the hail is the size we received in September, we probably are okay.  If it is the grapefruit size some of the area received, we are so out of luck.

That's about it for the Owen Tech crew in north Austin.  Y'all take care.



  1. Hari OM
    I've been in one of those hailstorms (in Sydney).... they sure rip shreds into stuff. Hope yours prove to be a fizzler... YAM xx

    1. It was just needed rain. Wet furniture pads on the rails. namaste, janice xx


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