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Tuesday, March 8, 2022

No Stretching for Me

With Cierra out of town with Erica, I did not get a stretch session today.  I have walked Jacob once today.  More today I am certain of that!  Mr. Jacob slept against my leg all night long.  If I moved, he snuggled back against me.  The close proximity has not changed one bit.  Now he is against my leg snuggled in his blanket.  Back asleep.  He did wake up enough to beg for a bite of the biscuit and gravy Hubby made.

As for Robbie, he did his job both yesterday and today.  I did not do my job of posting his drawings.  So here is all his work for Monday and Tuesday.

Chinese Dragon

Ghostbuster prepared to fight

See that arrow?  Notice how the area is drawn over repeatedly?  Robbie closed himself in our 6' x 10' walk-in closet.  Hubby rescued him.  I think Robbie could not concentrate on his drawing after the trauma of being caught in the closet.  Yesterday I accidentally shut Jacob in the closet.  Hubby heard a faint barking and discovered Jacob.  Hubby rescued Jacob, likewise.  Hubby is a hero.

This drawing was Robbie finding the charger.
Makes me think of a seahorse.

With the monthly book club meeting tomorrow, guess I'd best stop writing on my blog.  I will say the weather is still cloudy, windy, and cool.  The kind of day for sitting and reading a good book.  The Book of Lost Names is another story set in France during WWII.  With only 14% read I must get to it now.  Wishing you each and everyone a day that gives you joy.



  1. Hari OM
    Robbie has been busy - earning his juice! How lovely have a snuggly dog. Happy reading my friend. YAM xx

    1. Yes, Robbie is doing a good job. Jacob is soooo snuggly. Except when another dog comes in view. Then he goes into pure guard dog mode! Ha. namaste, janice xx


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