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Friday, March 11, 2022


Some days it seems the weather dominates all discussion.  Yesterday was a sunny, pleasant day.  Even watching the lacrosse game was no challenge.  Then this morning arrived.  Near freezing temperatures around the area.  As my mom would say, "It was blowing a gale!"  With gusts up to 38 MPH the 36 degrees F were uncomfortable.  Of course, today was the day I had scheduled pickups at Kohl's, Sam's Club, and Bath and Body Works.  I only had to get out of the car at the last store on the list.  I purposely park further away to get more exercise.  So I cannot complain about the cold while walking back and forth to pick up my order and free gift.  Especially a free gift of travel size shower gel.

A couple of years ago Son gave Hubby a weather station for his birthday or father's day or some occasion.  It is nice to be able to see at a glance the conditions outside our door.  Surely helps to know the attire needed for the day.  The desktop information includes forecast information.  A map shows reports from other private weather stations near us.   Hubby always reminds me that because his station is close to a building the information might not be perfect.  Close is good enough for me.  

As for Robbie, he has been doing more work and drawings.  Here are the last two days.

Rebel pilot from Star Wars

Our son was nuts for Star Wars.  He may still be just a bit that way.  That series had an impact on children growing up in the 1970s and 1980s.  The Star Wars franchise appears to be still be doing it. 

Drawing of Aztec dancers

All you folks keep safe, whatever the weather may be.



  1. Hari OM
    Yeah, we had a burst of spring last week, but this week it has deteriorated into winter once more. Sigh, turning the adage on its head... in like a lamb..?

    Before I read your interpretation of the first image, I thought Robbie had made that one just for me - it's an almost accurate map of Scotland (as close as the one of Oz was, anyway!!!) I do like the Aztec dancers... YAM xx

    1. Well, Robbie was probably sending a real message to his favorite follower! I can see it, too. Thanks for being so kind and stopping by. namaste, janice xx


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