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Friday, March 18, 2022

Their Eyes

His eyes are that light color of blue with a few gold flecks.  Her eyes are a color that can memic blue at times but are usually a light green  The other one has light blue eyes like mine.  The youngest has a slightly darker blue with a dark blue outline of the lens.  One granddaughter has brown eyes that are near black while the grandsons have varying shades of blue.  The youngest's blue eyes are the color of sapphires. 

The purple of lilacs is as wonderful as their smell  The spectrum of yellows from the daffodils, forsythia, saffron, even the lowly dandelion at times mimic the yellow sun.   Pink is probably my favorite color.  The dusty mauve of that color is perfect for my complections.  The red roses, white gardenia, the russet of chrysanthemums in fall are all such beauty and joy for me.

Will I forget these colors?  Will I forget the beauty of looking into the sapphire eyes or those pastel blue eyes of my husband?  Will the smell of the flowers bring back the memory of their colors?  How, oh how will I live without my sight?  Why did I awaken this morning to check the clock to see only blackness?  Where did my world go?  I do not think I can survive without the colors of life.

Even the inky blackness studded with the stars and moon.  The greenest of pastures dotted with the cattle in shades of tan, brown, black, and white.  I will still hear birds but will not see the beauty of my beloved northern cardinal.  How, oh, Dear Lord, will I manage?

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A work of fiction based on my Mom losing sight of the right eye just months after her 96th birthday.  The condition, giant cell arteritis, was a threat to the vision in her left eye.  She never adjusted to the loss of her sight in that one eye before she passed just two months later.

Go in peace,



  1. Hari Om
    Oohh... I was holding my breath there for a moment, Janice, and releived to find it fiction - albeit out of truth. Yes, I think if one has lived with sight, it is the one faculty that would be devastating to lose. YAM xx

    1. Mom lost the sight in her right eye almost over night. She was at my sister's home in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving. She woke up during the night and turned to look at the clock but could not see it. She had to turn so her left eye could see. It was 2 AM the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in 2014. In her mind she could not use her right hand now because she had lost the sight in her right eye. The trauma of that loss of sight left her last two months of life filled with confusion. She developed severe delirium in the last 3 weeks. What prompted me to write this was a visit to the eye doctor. I had suddenly developed a large floater in my right eye. Doctor Dixit said that it was indeed a sizable floater but otherwise my eye health was good. Of course there are cataracts in both eyes at the threshold of eligibility for surgery. I think I will wait till next year for that as I am not having difficulty seeing at night. namaste, janice xx


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