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Saturday, March 26, 2022

The Other Shoe

Do you ever see a single shoe beside the road?  Sometimes there is a single shoe hanging from an overhead wire.  I always wonder what happened to the other shoe.  The question becomes how did the person lose one shoe and not notice?  Is this something that only happens in the US?  Do other countries experience single shoe losses?  Of course, there is, also, the case of the one missing sock.

My dad was an appliance repairman.  At times repairs required that he pull out the inner tub of a washing machine when repairing it.  Oh, the things he would find!  That 'other sock' was often in there.  Bras and other small objects would be found.  It was not unusual for him to find coins and even bills in that area.  On one such occasion, he found almost $30 in the outer tub.  While some would have pocketed the find, Daddy handed the money and the repair bill to the owner.  The person was shocked by Daddy's honesty.

Today happens to be Daddy's day of birth 108 years ago.  It is, also, one year sober for #3 grandson.  Another bit of interest that links Daddy and #3 is this.  On the way back home from Daddy's funeral was the first time Ex-DIL felt #3 kick.

There is a saying here in the US we use when anticipating a happening.  The saying is 'waiting for the other shoe to drop".  You can read about the possible origin of this phrase here.  As some of my readers may remember just about a year ago a shoe dropped pretty hard on my family.  Sister #1 was told unless she began chemo immediately, she would not see summer arrive.  The last year has been filled with good and not-so-good days for her.  Generally, the chemo treatments have kept the cancerous tumors confined.   This week changed all that.  A recent scan shows the tumor has spread into the bladder.  Chemo has ceased and hospice begins next week.  We had already set us a sister time at #4's little lake house.  That is still on because each day grows even more precious now.  Surely dread the sound of that second shoe.

Take care,




  1. Hari OM
    Sorry to hear that latest news.That b***** C walks with boots, not shoes... I guess gratitude that time was longer than stipulated, appreciate all that remains, and accept that ends are inevitable - for us all. Sendling Love and wishes that these remaining weeks are filled with all that is light and shared to the full. YAM xx

    (had some i'net issues, so missed a couple I think... back on track today)

    1. I had missed you. Hoped you were not physically ill. Yes, I am grateful for the extra months afforded for time together. She told us sisters yesterday. Then there were calls to her deceased son's family members. She has been covered in the love of her grand and great grand children today. My younger sister and I had discussed about 2 weeks ago that her voice seemed to be getting weaker and she was having more pain. Still a shock. Her son's girlfriend brought her a f**k bucket filled with things for her to break. Even plastic to spread to catch the broken pieces. There was even a crown for her to wear. Pretty sure my crazy family will stand strong and crazy as usual with her to the bitter end. namaste, janice xx

  2. So sorry to hear this news, Janice. I lost a brother-in-law to pancreatic cancer a few years ago and hospice was very helpful to easing his pain at the end. I hope your sister has many good days before that final goodbye.

    1. Thank you, Pat. We four sisters spent the last few days together. Hoping for at least one more time.


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